Title: I Do
Fandom: JAG
klutzy_girl Word Count: 100
Rating: PG
Characters/Pairings: Harm, Mac, Harm/Mac
Disclaimer: I don't own JAG and never will. No copyright infringement intended.
Summary: Harm's never loved anyone the way he loves her.
Sarah Mackenzie is his soul mate. It took Harm a long time to realize that, but he eventually did. Harm’s never loved anyone the way he loves her. He’ll spend the rest of their lives telling Mac that.
“I do” is the one of the easiest things Harm has ever said in his life, and he’s thrilled to be saying it to Mac. He can’t wait to see what lies ahead in their future.
Mac smiles and struggles not to kiss Harm. “I do,” she answers several minutes later.
A few minutes later, Harm and Mac are husband and wife.