Fic meme

Jan 16, 2010 12:47

Stolen from tinylegacies and pink_thunder17.

The first TEN people to comment in this post get to request that I write a drabble/fic of any pairing/character of their choosing. In return, they have to post this in their journal, regardless of their ability level. (If you can't write, I'm sure you can make something else.)

1. tinylegacies - Chuck/Sarah
2. thatjamiegirl  - Abby/McGee
3. dreamingfaerie - Garcia/Morgan ( Read more... )

lj, fandom: fanfic

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Comments 13

tinylegacies January 16 2010, 14:30:42 UTC
Something with Chuck and Sarah please!


thatjamiegirl January 16 2010, 15:18:28 UTC

dreaming_faerie January 16 2010, 16:23:09 UTC
Ooohh, I'm tempted to ask for some Garcia/Morgan, but a part of me wants to ask for Garcia/Reid. ;^; I don't know what to choose.


pink_thunder17 January 16 2010, 16:50:40 UTC
Garcia/Morgan :D


hyacinthian January 16 2010, 17:28:59 UTC
Morgan/Anna, please! :D


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