Hoodsey07: la da dee dum

Mar 15, 2005 16:54

Hoodsey07: are you there
thrillmysoul1972: no
Hoodsey07: katherine i love you
Hoodsey07: AHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!
thrillmysoul1972: ahhhhhhhhhh
Hoodsey07: im dizzy
thrillmysoul1972: and crazy
Hoodsey07: el loco
thrillmysoul1972: si si
Hoodsey07: i think kennys still available
thrillmysoul1972: SWEET
thrillmysoul1972: get me his #
thrillmysoul1972: i wanna hook up with him over spring break
Hoodsey07: i'll get it next time
thrillmysoul1972: ok sounds like a plan


ohh and the ken & jay saga continues..

Ima work out tonight.
I forgot to mention yesterday, that I found the funniest note in French, I don't remember everything -- but it went a little something like this --
" R U serious about goin wit me cuz i herd u wuz goin wit bruce "
Yea.. thats really all I can remember, but it WAS funny..
Pynn wasted the majority of class this morning.. that was cool. I got a C on the test, that was good - for not knowing anything about anything on it.
The Japenese did a presentation about something in 2nd period... I don't remember what it was on.
The majority of class was spent out in the cafe. with Jo Jo and Sun Sun... I need to work on my part for Salem... I can't do the freakin rolls.
Bill was being a jerk today -- theres this part in salem where it goes from 3/4 to 4/4 then back and forth -- well, I tend to mess up around then, so Bill decided to make it worse by hitting my drum at random times.. gah... and I practically spend all of Salem with him cause he uses one of the timpani's for his part.
We watched the preview for Star Wars after class.. it looks so soo soooooooo sweet.
Tor and I had a hug break. 1 2 3 GO!
Kelso was practically dying today in French... poor kels.. thats what being a woman will do to ya. She gave me her damn chocolates.. too bad I still have them. Tomorrow -- they will return.
I ate ice cream when I got home -- and it was good.
Starbucks on Friday -- yea, Sunny. I'm going to hold you to that. fooo shhiizzlleee.

+Say Goodbye to January
Goodbye to February
And all those days will they be forgotten
My confidence yeah your fading
Found myself second guessing
And all my thoughts
And all their reasons

Watching red cars passing by
And I swore I wouldn't cry
Now I swim in my defeat
Memories are flashing by
Oh a wars waging inside
And I'm wounded in my defeat

March ended unexpected
This is my confession
Not a day goes by
Where you don't cross my mind
It's so confusing
Like and un-rehersed symphony
Your last kiss goodbye
Put water in these eyes

I'm dying for you
Dying, Dying for you+

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