Cracked out on Vicodin

Apr 16, 2007 00:38

So I'm cracked out right now and might as well update the people who actually read this on my weekend.

This Thursday night was one of the most fun nights I've had in a long time. It was just mellow drinking and fun with Meg, Keri, me, Stephanie and Kim. We went to Andy's house (Meg's friend from highschool) and ran into Megan and some DG dropout (she was nice though). Anyway after I walk barefoot from Andy's house to Senor Pancho's barefoot (after making a few drunk dials of corse) we get to KD where Stephanie and I enjoy our plethora of drunk delacies aka pollo asado plate. We get to bed around 3 am.

Friday morning comes around and I can't find my keys for about half an hour... big shocker there. They were in my bag, so anyway I go to move my car off Cresita before I get a ticket and all is well. I plug my phone in and begin my drive home to grab some stuff before class. I call Adam to say hi and eventually end the call.

So I'm off the phone paying attention when UH-OH the lady infront of me stops short. At this point I am on the West bound 8 about to get on the Northbound 5. I slam on my brakes to stop as well. Before I'm one hundred percent stopped BAM i get RAMMED into from behind so hard that I hit the woman infront of me and she hits the person infront of her. Note: the woman who hit me hit hard enough for her airbags to deploy.

My first thought is "FUCK I CAN'T BELIEVE I HIT THIS CAR!" Then "OWWWW my neck hurts!" then I look behind me and go "YES THIS WASN'T MY FAULT!" And realize what had happened. At this point I am only aware of myself being sandwiched between two cars, and didn't realize the one in the very front had been hit. That very front car fled the scene.

So I am in shock crying and decide "no one else is doing anything I am definately calling 911." So Highway patrol comes and gets traffic to stop long enough for us to get to the side of the road. The three of us who pulled over are kept seperate and give our report of the accident to an officer. They note the damage on our cars and get our information. I am asked multiple times if I need a medic due to my neck and back pain which started immediately. My knee later swells from holding down the break so hard, and I have pain in my hip and shoulder BIG SUPRISE!

Anyway, I ask the cop what he thinks about dexter, my jeep. "Is it totaled?" I ask. He says "Looks like there's quite a bit of frame damage, but you never know what they can do." Then the tow truck drivers arive and confirm what I was thinking when they say "Mam, this is a loss. Meaning it's totaled. We can tow it to our storage yard if you want." I say yes.

Luckily the tow truck driver that attended to me was very kind and took me home from the accident, helped me unload my car of all my possesions, and even carried them upstairs for me. After this I called insurance to report my claim, and when my mom later called the storage yard the drivers asked about me and were genuinely concerned. I am definately writing them a thank-you card.

Anyway... here are the pictures:
This is the car that hit me

This this the back end of my car. Note how the doors look. They would not open, I climed out the passenger side window.

This shows how severe the frame damage is. If you look in my trunk you can see how there is an incline in what used to be a flat trunk.

The font didn't look bad at all!

This is the car I hit... her trunk won't close.

All in all I'm happy to have walked away with such minor injuries (whiplash and back/neck spasms are something I can handle). But man is it scary to get back on the road.

keri, accident, kim, stephanie, dexter, lost keys, meg

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