Aug 18, 2006 13:40
Reality is created within our self. If we create our own reality shouldn't we be able to choose what as well as whom will affect us? I hope to have a strong enough will to do so. Staying focused and driven is a challenge. When people let me down, I let myself down or situations arent as I wish its up to me to choose what my reality will be. One of caring confrentation, or one of passive agressive anger. I've never been good at hideing my emotions, or opinion when asked for it. Confrentation it is. I wish that word had a less negative connotation.
Here's a hint, if your being shady: I will call you out on it, because I love you.
Whats that saying...aknowledge and move on? Well baby I'm attempting to. But we have to acknowledge our faults before we can move on.