Nov 29, 2006 14:42
I had intended to start writing a paper but instead found myself reading the MSN gossip page.
Darn. about that Britney Spears, eh? Hooked up with Paris Hilton and Lindsay Lohan now. It's like slutty-washed-up-attention-whores all let loose on the town. I'll admit I thought that Britney was pretty good looking about six years ago, but I never got the fascination with the other two. Ew.
Also, Keira Knightley? Yeah, she's probably going to marry that one guy with her from Pride & Prejudice. Isn't that ironic? No, it's not Mr. Darcy. It's that Lt. Wickham guy, the blonde womanizer uniform guy on the horse, y'know?
John Mayer + Jessica Simpson = <333...?
I sicken myself.
The internet is going to make this guy famous, you can count on it.