Apr 30, 2003 00:13
you know.. in the last three weeks, i have manged to get myself into the biggest messes with two different girls who happen to think i am 'interested' in them..
ok.. those of you who know me.. know.. heh.. im very open to anything.. but yeah.. chances of me 'being' with a girl are pretty much slim to none, other than a certain person who will remain nameless..
why cant a boi tell a girl she is 'beautiful' without them thinking they are 'hitting' on them.. and why do *so many* people confuse a *FRIENDLY* hug or kiss with a romantic gesture??
i said something 'nice' to a girl.. yes.. i was nice.. heh.. and she totally took it the wrong way.. thought i was in love with her.. got mad because ignored her and avoided her (with damn good reason), and now i hate her..
then.. i find out last night.. that a good friend of mine, who i care for a lot and like a lot, 'likes' me more than i thought.. and of all people.. she knows im not interested!?!?!?! she actually saw me kissing one of her best *male* friends?? wtf!! i usually get turned off by stuff like that, but i really like this girl.. and i dont want to develop weird feelings for her and start disliking her.. i already have everyone on ignore so that i dont have to speak with her in AIM.. GRR!
im so sick of everything being geared toward fucking sex!!!!!! you cant watch dumb tv without seeing it.. you cant be anywhere in public without at least hearing about it and on many occasions i have been in a club where people were actually doing it in stalls.. i think there is some weird aphrodisiac in meat now a days??
what happened to having friends?? friends you can hug, and kiss and be affectionate with??
ok.. end of my ranting..