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Oct 18, 2005 11:45

My LiveJournal Trick-or-Treat Haulkloverdragon goes trick-or-treating, dressed up as Kagome.aids_bunny gives you 1 white spearmint-flavoured wafers.daelore tricks you! You get a clothespin.duckadork tricks you! You get a broken balloon.guimauvaise gives you 13 light yellow vanilla-flavoured pieces of chewing gum.highland_harp gives you 7 pink raspberry-flavoured wafers.kourttears gives you 15 blue evil-flavoured pieces of bubblegum.lorganiste gives you 5 mottled green pineapple-flavoured pieces of taffy.omegamcgee gives you 3 tan lemon-flavoured pieces of chewing gum.pierre_penguin gives you 17 red spearmint-flavoured pieces of taffy.stabmyreality gives you 17 mauve mint-flavoured gummy bats.kloverdragon ends up with 78 pieces of candy, a clothespin, and a broken balloon.Another fun meme brought to you by rfreebern.
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