New list?

May 19, 2009 23:11

I'm probably going to restart my list. I'm not making the progress I should be, partly because I've got a crazy puppy to take care of this week, and partly because a lot of my goals are either money or time intensive, and if I did the math I'd almost certainly find that I can't afford them or don't have enough time for them.

The kongregate goal is literally impossible for me at the moment, as one of the badges requires me to press three keys at once, and my computer will only read two. My weight loss goals aren't coming along because I haven't changed my diet, and have no incentive to on my list.

While I do want to accomplish most of the goals on the list, particularly the ones involving finishing projects that I started years ago, I don't feel especially passionate about the list as a whole. And then there's the fact that Adam may not even be staying in Virginia, which renders all of the Virginia goals moot.

I don't know. I want to start over, really. But I also feel like I ought to just plug away at this one for a while longer until life settles a tiny bit. Say, until I find a job or Adam makes a decision. I think that's probably what I'll do, while starting to make a new list that I can start on at some point in the near future. Maybe my birthday. Maybe later. Heck, maybe not until Christmas.

...Wow. I feel better already.

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