Getting Things Done

Aug 21, 2008 14:12

So, I'm a rather...disorganized person. I can be extremely scatterbrained, and deadlines and I don't get along too well. I'm also a procrastinator of epic proportions, or at least, I can be. There are a lot of things in my life that I'd like to see change, but my lack of productivity is one of the biggest.

In an effort to change, I've borrowed the book Getting Things Done by David Allen from the library. I've only done the first step of implementing his system: collecting all of my "open loops", but I'm already feeling a little bit more in control. Not a lot, because my brain apparently doesn't trust me to actually stick with my new system yet, but I think it'll get there. I'm pretty sure there are some open loops I'm still missing, but those will come up eventually.

All in all, it seems like it could be a really great system, and if I actually stick with it, I may be able to beat the evil procrastination bug once and for all. Well, more or less, at least. :)
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