Dec 10, 2006 13:34
Work sucks. IF people ask me to do something for them, they shoud be nice about it. Dont play it off like a joke or something. Especially when it takes me 2 hours to do it, before I can start working on my own list of things to do. Some people there, just piss me off. Another guy who wanted in the decks got mad cause the cake lady was trying to save deck space for me. (thank you...)He got mad cause he couldnt use his favorite deck, and told her its not all cake, all the time Penny!! Yeah, well, its not freakin your shit all the time either!
And another thing, just because you did most of your dishes, and maybe did some of some one elses, doenst mean you can leave your own shit behind. Are we 6 years old here? Do I have to ask you twice? If its yours, put it away, finish it, clean it, throw it away, wipe it down, lable it... just fuckin do it. I have actually been given crap for asking the same guy mentioned above to put away HIS soup which was cooling in the sinks. Usually I will do it for him because when he leaves, they are still hot. But they were cold. So I said "hey, can you put those soups away before you go?" He told me that he had a long day, and that he should be home by now. I told him that it didnt change the fact that they were still his, and that it wasnt my fault that he was here a long time. Just because he had a lot to do doenst mean that I need to feel his pain. He tried to sneak out with out doing it. I yelled SOUPS! at him as he headed for the door, and he asked me, "Are you really going to ask me twice?" I said something to the fact that I wouldnt if he would just do it in the first place. I feel like I am dealing with little kids! ANd these are grown adults with children of their own! I dont think I have even had a night where I didnt have to clean up after some one else. None of them realize that EVERYONE else there leaves a little of their shit behind. They think its just their little mess. Yeah, like X6.
And if you think the kitchen staff are bad, the front staff thinks the world revolves aroud them. One guy will not answer the phone. He will be standing right next to it when it rings, and he will stand there. If it keeps ringing, he will frantically look for something useless to do, that could be stopped to pick up the phone. Like picking crumbs out of the butter. So then a kitchen person will have to stop what they ar doing, to walk over next to him, answer it and do his job.
Thats all.