
Sep 08, 2006 11:59

Its going to be 6 months untill I get to really talk to, kiss, hold, and even lay eyes on Chris. I really thought I was going to be able to hold it together at the air port. I was doing fine at first. We had a 3 hour lay over in Atlanta, and we ate lunch, walked around, cuddled. But then about 15 minutes before I had to get on the plane, I lost it. I even felt like I was going to thow up. It was probably the hardest thing I have ever done. To physically let go of him and kiss him for the last untill march, was the hardest thing I have ever done. And of course I had to pull it together relativly fast cause I was getting on a plane for 5 hours.

But Michigan was great though. Different than here, but same at the same time. Weather and land scape wise it was kinda the same, but the lay out of the land and the use was different. I dont know. At least where we were there seemed to be less people, and the town were smaller and I never saw and huge development complexes. Not saying that they dont exist there, but they werent prevelant where I was. In Lapeer, there were feilds with animals, and people have dogs and cows birds and land. Chris has a few pens in his back yard with ducks, chickens, geese and pigeons. The piegons are just allowed to fly where ever they want and always come back. I think thats just about the coolest thing ever.

We went to the state fair and the rennissance festival and watched jousting and I bought a puzzle ring, and Chris insisted that we get our hands cast in wax. It was kinda fun actually. Then we went to his grandparents house for a couple of days. We just hung out and went in the hot tub and played with the dogs and looked for petosky stones, which are petrified coral. Then the next day we went to Traverse City and wanted to go to the zoo, but it was closed. But I eneded up buying a stunt Kite, cause I havent flown one in years, and wanted to take it to the dunes, but it wasnt windy enough. We went to a few different places, and swam in Lake Michigan, and walked the beaches untill it was dark. The next day we headed back and stopped at a friend of Chris's who rehabillitates birds of prey. I would have been completly content just looking at eagles, owls and falcons, just being 10 feet away from them. But then Joe Let me hold some of the smaller birds, like little owls and falcons. Ones that you could hold with one hand. And then Joe offered to let me help hold a bald eagles head while he held the body and chris filed down the beak, and i ended up getting to hold the eagle all by my self! It was amazing. I mean, how many people even get to be that close to an eagle... I got to hold one. It was just crazy. And then we went to another cage and I held a golden eagle as well. It was just unbeleiveable. Holding an eagle. Looking right in its eyes. Im a bad ass.... Then when we got back to home, we went to the driving range and out to dinner, our last date for the next half a year. It was really fun. Neither of us had any idea what we were doing, and the majority of mine probably only went like 50 feet. Its harder than it looks ok?? Chris tried it Happy Gilmore style, getting a running start. Then went to dinner and bought ice cream and took it home and watched some episodes of House. We also went to Michigan State U to visit with some of Chris's friends and also went to dinner. Me and chris spent about 100$ each on used cd's as well. And we never did get to drive the Vette because it didnt have plates and wasnt insured... But oh well. It was lost of fun, and I really cant wait to go back. I really like his family.
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