(no subject)

Dec 14, 2004 05:27

Well it’s about almost 5 am in the morning and here I am sitting in Tampa with a couple of people. I went to Orlando to get my computer because there were to many break ins happening. We drove and came back and yes here I am like usually not sleeping wishing I was somewhere I am not. Everyone went to sleep and here I am a little tipsy from the alcohol they gave me. I don’t know why I even drank I dint want to. I was listing to music and picked it up and drank it without thinking. Oh well. I always heard that people tell the truth when they are drunk. So what’s been on my mind? Well let’s see. Ashley then Ashley oh and a little bit of Ashley. Well that’s not all im thinking of, I do think of Ashley too. Hm, looks like all I’ve been thinking of is Ashley. My god it has come to the point where every single thought is dedicated to this girl I am madly in love with. No one ever had this effect on me. I don’t blame myself. I love every thought I do think about her, it makes me so happy. She is so awesome. Yeah I know I know this journal has been mostly about her. But I made only this journal to record my thoughts and feelings towards things. I cant help it if I think of her so much. She’s so awesome. I mean everything about her is so perfect.
Her wavy hair that always smells so good. Every time we drive in her car her hair glides through the wind. It’s the best thing my eyes have seen. It’s so beautiful. Then her eyes. They are so mysterious. One day their blue the other green and the other brown. You have the most beautiful eyes I have ever looked at. Every time I look at them she always gives me this smile that definitely makes my heart sink. She always raises her left eye brow and looks at me. I mean how could I not resist. Its like someone handing you one million dollars with no catch. Take it. Take all of it. Man this girl is amazing. She with her perfect lips. They are so round luscious soft shiny and yet so simple. They are perfect. She always gives me these kisses. Ha. She is the best kisser ever man. She does it so well. Oh geese Louise darn it to heck! I mean come on. Where did she learn to give kisses like that. Did I mention how pretty she is. Well she is so damn good looking its ridiculous. I get intimidated by her looks sometimes. I mean I look at her and I think “Shit, she Is so beautiful.” I mean she could do modeling and be married with like someone famous. Yet shes going out with me. Oh man. That’s fucking cool. I am so happy. Not only has she good looks no, she has the best personality. Shes nice and everyone that meets her loves her. She has the best freaking taste in music and movies. She never ever gets boring ever. Shes never afraid of trying new suff. Shes adventurous and awesome. I want freaking go visit her so bad. But first I must make money and find a way to do this. It would really make this bad year the best year ever. But for right now I need to find a way so I can get some more sleep. I haven’t been sleeping a lot for some reason. All I do is read when everyones a sleep. I cant take It anymore. I want to sleep just 8 hours straight without waking up. I can only do this when Ashley is around. Man I miss her and its getting to me. Ashley. I love you - in those three words I poured all my life into.
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