plea once again

Mar 03, 2007 10:34

i distracted myself from having an anxiety attack last night, but only just. i had to correct a cheque for my landlord, who asked if i was giving notice, since it was the last cheque. meaning april is my last month, meaning my move date would be may 1st. or i could stay here, of course; just go back to paying $1250+. after six months of paying $1100+? 1250 feels a leeeeetle exorbitant.

so i'm looking for a new place.

but i am not ready to leave this one. but it needs more work. and i can't stand paying that "+" anymore. but i want another summer with my deck.


plus, i don't know what's going to happen with miles, so i need to start thinking individually. or alternately.

so, here's an open call:
wanted for may 1st - bachelor or one bedroom for >$700, or a two bedroom for >$1300 inclusive.

fate, please smile on me. PLEASE.
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