Jan 19, 2005 00:08
Oi. Is it wednesday already? Holy fucking shit.
Ok, in the wee hours of saturday morning, after having kinky sex with my boyfriend and watching strongbad e-mail for 3 hours straight, I was finally getting around to going to bed. I had only been laying down for maybe 15 minutes and was wonderfully comfortable and half asleep when my computer made the BLLLRIING sound that AIM makes when someone IMs you. You know the sound. Anyway, normally I would have ignored it, but something compelled me to get up and see who was demanding my attention at 4 in the friggin morning. It was my best friend and ex-room mate, Amber.
"My mom is dead."
Ok, what had she done this time? I'd been talking to amber the night before and her mother was tearing the place apart in what we had assumed to be a drug-induced stupor. (Her mother had had problems with addiction. She was paying Amber 400 dollars a month to take care of her.) I'd assumed that Amber had woken up to the contents of the refrigerator spread out all over the place. I scrolled down past my Idle message to the second message she'd sent me.
"On the couch."
........ ::blink:: ............. ::pause:: ................................................................................................................................ ::blink blink:: ................. ::shock:: ...................................... "What?"
"Are you for real?"
She was. So I hauled my ass over to the shower and did some laundry before walking over to her place at the ass crack of dawn in 5 degree weather (I'm not even kidding.) Only stopping to pick up a pack of cigarettes along the way. (So much for staying quit.)
Anyway, I get there and Amber lets me in. There before me is the couch. I remember when Amber and I got the couch. I payed for it. It's our couch but I payed for it. Now it smells like death.
Amber took me over the past few hours. She'd woken up around 4 am and left her room to go pee. She looked over at the couch and saw her mother laying there. Something didn't seem quite right. There was no snoring. She walked over to see if her mother was alright. No breathing. She turned on the kitchen light. Still no breathing. She walked over and plugged in the living room lamp. She still couldn't see any breathing. "Mom? Are you O.K?" No answer. She tried shaking her mom awake and found that she was stiff. With the light on she finally got a good look at her mom's leg. It was blue. (Amber was very thankfull that her mom's face was covered by her hair.) She then IMed our friend Pat (who just happened to be awake) and told him that she didn't know what to do. He told her to call an ambulance and that he'd come over.
"Hello, 911. What is your emergency?"
"Yeah, I think my mom just died on my couch."
"Well, would you like to try CPR?"
"Nope, she's gone."
The ambulance and police came, followed by the coroner. They asked her lots of questions, stripped her mothers clothes off and took her out of the apartment on a gurney (which they dropped at least once before getting it to the ambulance).
The body was gone byt he time I got there. We hung around her place for a while and then went out for some chinese food to get the hell out of there.
A couple of days later the police went by her place to ask her a few questions. One of her online friends remarked on how bad that looked. First they remove a body and then police come a couple of days later. She should have had them carry her away in handcuffs just for shits and giggles.
"It wasn't me! It was the cat!"
The police could have let her out a few blocks away or something. Then for the next couple of weeks she cold have told everyone that she was "on the lam" and that it was strictly "hush hush".
Anyway, she's doing ok considering. Shes been having trouble sleeping. (You would too if you'd found your mom dead on your couch at 4 in the morning.)