Steve and Jared walk into a bar… (Steve/Jared I know, what??)

Apr 12, 2009 10:09

Title: Steve and Jared walk into a bar…
Author: KliqzAngel
Pairing/Characters: Steve Carlson/Jared Padalecki, Jensen Ackles, Mention of Christian Kane
Content: M/M Relationships, Schmoop
Rating: PG-13
Song: Song mentioned in story is Wonder of My World by Steve Carlson
Notes: I have no idea where this came from. I got the first couple lines stuck on my head and it wouldn’t let go. So I decided to sit down and write and this is what came out.
Summary: Jared’s love of a lifetime romance with Jensen is more fiction than reality. Steve insists he gave Chris up for Lent. What happens when Steve wanders into a bar and sees Jared sitting at the counter?

Steve and Jared walk into a bar…

Jared sat at the bar, long neck in hand, shot glasses scattered in front of him. “What the hell are you going here?” He heard and turning his head saw Steve sit down on the stool next to him. “What’s wrong? Trouble in paradise? Honeymoon over? Jenny on his period?”

Sighing, Jared sat his bottle down, and turning his head glared at Steve with surprisingly sober eyes for the amount of alcohol it looked like he’d consumed. But then again, this was Jared not Sam Winchester, and despite fan girl notions, he had the tolerance the size of his home state. “If I wanted to put up with bull shit, I would be somewhere else. You wanna be an asshole, go visit your butt buddy Kane and leave me the hell alone.”

Ordering a beer and some shots of his own, Steve raised an eyebrow and shrugged. “Don’t wanna. He’s an asshole and I gave up fucking assholes for lent. Seriously though, you and Jen havin’ issues?”

Jared sighs turning back to his beer and for awhile Steve doesn’t think the guy’s gonna answer. In fact when he does it takes a moment for Steve to decide what the hell he’s talking about. “Sometimes I think J2 is one of the biggest myths on television. Not that I’m saying we haven’t fucked, ‘cause come on. Long shoots, stuck in the back woods of Canada, horny Texas men, yeah we’ve shoved our dicks into each other more than once. Honestly though, I think we were so much better off before we each decided to get into the other’s pants.”

“So, no love at first sight then huh?” Steve asked curious. After all, sure he knew Jay, he’d gotten drunk with him enough times he knew quite a few surprising facts about him, but he wouldn’t go so far as to say he knew him well. Not for a lack of want though. Steve’d lusted over Jared from afar pretty much since the moment he’d laid eyes on him. Problem was every time they met up either he was getting fucked by Chris or Jared and Jensen were “on again” and things never matched up.

“Look, I love fuckin’ Jensen as hard as I can, but honestly man, that guy is just way too much upkeep for me. I’ve fuckin’ seen models who act less like drama queens than him in one of his moods. Then there’s the whole 'OMG what if they catch us?' bullshit. I mean yeah, I come from Texas too so I get it. And maybe my parents aren’t all super religious like his are, but trust me I would have my own set of drama and mamma cryin’ if I came home with a boy on my arm. But, shit man. If I’m gonna love someone, I ain’t gonna hide it every goddamned day.”

“OK so I get the whole, we play brothers and it isn’t a good idea right now thing, but Jesus Christ man. He’s pretty much made it clear it’s a never ever ain’t happening thing. So, no there weren’t no love at first sight, second sight or any sight kinda thing. We fuck that’s it, bottom line, end of sentence.”

“’Sides you like girls too much to end up with a guy, right?” Steve questioned tongue in cheek, but found himself surprised when Jared just shrugged turning his attention back to him. “I dunno. I mean, yeah I suppose I am more inclined toward petite women than anything else, but… it’s not like I would say hell no if I found myself really attracted to some guy. I certainly wouldn’t be opposed to fallin’ in love and shoutin’ it from the roof tops for one.”

“Huh,” was all Steve could say hiding behind his beer bottle at the unexpected answer. “What about you and Chris?” Jared asked turning the tables on him. “Most people act like you’re attached at the hip, but from the impression I get from Jen it ain’t necessarily so.”

Steve shrugged before responding, he and Chris weren’t all that easy to explain. For some reason, it was suddenly very important to him that Jared didn’t misunderstand he and Chris’ relationship. “Chris and I are very love hate. I suppose a part of me loves the guy, but honestly I hate all the crap that comes with him and his grade A ego. I guess there was a time when I could fool myself into thinking that he was just misunderstood and people just didn’t get him. Turns out I was the one that just didn’t get it. Guess I wanted it to be so bad I’d convinced myself it was until I was the one getting’ screwed over. I just… I mean come on man. Everyone who’s ever heard my songs knows I’m a big ol’ romantic at heart.”

“I mean shit man, I LIKE singin all them love songs. I like romancin’ someone, cookin’ ‘em dinner when they don’t expect it, foot rubs after work, candles and roses and crap. What I don’t what is to be the second fiddle anymore. I’m tired of being an afterthought.”

“Chris’ an idiot,” Jared drawled all soft and easy sending pulses of need through Steve’s body. “You’re drunk,” Steve countered laughing, but Jared didn’t laugh back, instead he just huffed into his bottle. “I hate it when people do that crap. I’m not a fuckin’ idiot, just because I am tall, from Texas, and fairly affectionate doesn’t mean that I don’t know my own words. “

“Chris’ a fuckin’ idiot. If I thought you would be interested in me I’d damn well make sure you never thought about that asshole again.” Jared spat out angrily and Steve just watched open mouthed trying not to pant. “You’re a good guy Steve with your feet on the ground despite all them women who fawn all over you when you play. You take shit as it comes, you don’t lose it every five seconds just because the direction of the wind changed, you’re honest and loyal and you’re a helluva nice guy. Not to mention sarcastic as shit, funny as all fuck. You’d be a helluva catch, someone to treasure, and Chris is a fuckin’ moron for not seeing what he’s throwing away. “

“I could say the same about Jensen,” Steve finally offered seriously and softly still hiding as best as he could behind his beer trying not to have to meet Jared’s still way too sharp gaze. Boy really was a freak of nature. “And I don’t know why you would think I wouldn’t be interested in you, but I am happy to say you would be highly mistaken.”


When Jared walked out of Steve’s guest room the next morning he could already smell coffee, and hear the quick rhythm of a knife on Granet which he guessed meant Steve was already cooking too. After they had realized their mutual attraction the night before, the two had agreed to head back to Steve’s where they could talk in private. Jared learned Steve loved having his hair played with, and Jared was more than happy to accommodate him. Steve learned Jared was surprisingly good at guitar even though he was a horrible singer. They both happily learned that Jared’s natural preference for topping would work out quite well with Steve’s preference for bottoming. “Must be a match made in heaven,” Jared teased Steve this time his tongue in cheek.

Padding into the kitchen, bare foot and bare chested with jeans hanging low on his hips, he smiled easily at Steve before taking a seat at the counter. One thing he already knew about Steve was not to mess around in the man’s kitchen. In his kitchen Steve was ruler and master and Jared was more than happy to stay a safe distance away at the breakfast bar. “You sleep ok man?” Steve asked softly as he brought over a coffee mug placing it in front of him before leaning against the counter to look at him.

Sleep hadn’t come quickly for Steve the night before. Once Jared was safely tucked away in the guest room, Steve had found himself lying awake in his own bed going over their conversations over and over looking for any sign that he could be seeing something that wasn’t there. It was hard for him to imagine that in just a few short hours he’d gone from no chance in hell or at least believing it, to having his very dreams within touching distance. Not to mention the whiplash at going from an asshole like Chris to a genuinely nice guy like Jared. Steve wasn’t sure he knew how to handle being treated right anymore after the frustration that had been his relationship with Chris.

One thing was for certain though; a chance at a real honest to God relationship with Jared was worth figuring it out. Jared was just… everything. One of the reasons sleep hadn’t come quickly was because Steve hadn’t been able to stop himself from imagining all the possibilities a relationship with Jared could bring. It took him awhile to figure out how excited he was. God he wanted to belong to Jared, he just hoped that the light of day wouldn’t bring Jared second thoughts.

“Slept good man, thanks for letting me stay,” Jared drawled easily flashing a wide grin before sipping at his coffee. Nodding nervously, Steve turned away to go back to his vegetables for the omelets where he felt safer and more confident. Soon he lost himself in the rhythm and the process losing track of time until he looked up, two full plates in hand to find Jared watching him adoringly.

“I’ve never seen you actually cook,” Jared offered and Steve blushed shrugging off the comment. “S’nothing.”

Frowning, Jared tilted his head to one side studying the other man as food and orange juice were placed in front of him. “Of course it’s something,” Jared countered and Steve found himself caught in Jared’s gaze. “You obviously love it. It means enough to you that you spend money going to school to do it. And, watching you it’s obvious that it’s something that brings you peace and gives you confidence, so I would say it’s a big something.”

Steve honestly didn’t know how to respond. It had been awhile since someone had taken the time to care about something that was important to him. “Apparently Chris is a bigger asshole that I thought,” Jared offered quietly eating his breakfast slowly, as if savoring each bite. “You’re important, Steve. You’re important to me. Your interests are important to me. Your fears, your hopes, your dreams are important to me. Unless I completely misunderstood things last night, I think we both want something bigger than what we have been getting from our normal partners, and I think we want them from each other. God knows I want that something bigger to be with you. “

“What’s that song of yours? Wonder of My World? I’m the man who can and will/Swim your seas and climb your hills/And I’ll be here on bended knee/To take you any place you wanna be/Cause your so much more/Than just a wonderful girl/You’re the wonder of my world. That’s what I wanna be to you, Steve. You know except without the whole girl part.” Jared grinned and Steve laughed suddenly startling himself as he ignored the tears in his eyes and the emption clogging his throat.

“I can’t believe you know my lyrics,” Steve finally admitted looking up at Jared who just shrugged and smiled. “I like your songs. I’ve got all your albums. I’m your biggest fan boy!” Steve let loose a loud bark of laughter and finally the heavy emotion eased.


A month later found Steve and Jared, parked on Steve’s couch cuddled up together watching a documentary on Nefertiti on the History Channel. Things were going well. It had surprised Steve how easy it was to be with Jared, how natural it felt to have Jared be a part of his life. Currently he was settled half across Jared with his head rested on Jared’s arm. Jared was running his fingers through Steve’s hair making the other man drowsy and happy and all warm inside. They were taking the sex stuff slow. They hadn’t done much more than some kissing and making out and with a few blow jobs and hand jobs thrown in at the heat of the moment. They’d each agreed to wait on anything heavy for the moment. It was quickly obvious that they each were going for something long term and wanted to make sure the base for said relationship wasn’t built on sex.

Instead they did a lot of talking. Talking and laughing and sharing everything and anything. “Oh, hey, I umm told Jen the other day when we went to lunch after that promo shoot thing,” Jared mentioned bringing Steve out of his musing. “I know we talked about it and you said you didn’t mind, but I just… you know. Wanted to let you know I told him.”

“How’d he take it?” Steve asked after Jared didn’t go on. He’d learned quickly sometimes Jared needed prompting about things that weren’t all happy-go-lucky, which was sort of telling about how the conversation had gone. Suddenly Steve had the urge to kick the crap out of Jensen, friendship be damned. Jared was a helluva lot more than his friend.

“You know, he just…” Jared stopped again, and Steve could picture him shrugging, but didn’t move knowing Jared was getting as much comfort from his actions as Steve was. “He was an asshole about it?” Steve asked finally prompting Jared again who didn’t answer right away.

“He asked me if this was some kind of payback for Daneel.” Jared finally admitted and Steve could hear the hurt and anger in his voice, which prompted him to sit up and put a hand on the back of his boyfriend’s head. “As if I would… I’m not… Steve, I would never…”

“I know,” Steve interrupted softly pulling Jared to him for a kiss until he could feel Jared relax; telling him it was finally just the two of them again.


Steve hadn’t really stopped to plan, when Jared left in the morning for his meeting about his next stint as Clay Miller, he’d just headed out letting his emotions direct him. Ending up standing on Jensen’s doorstep pounding on the door didn’t really surprise him. “What the… Steve?” Jensen spat yanking his door open, and Steve didn’t wait for an invitation inside, just pushed his way past.

“What the fuck is your problem Ackles?” Steve shouted balling up his fists as Jensen turned to look at him astounded. “My problem?” Jensen echoed. “You’re the one who showed up on my doorstep all bent out of shape.”

“I expected Christian to be an asshole about me and Jay, hell he’s an asshole about everything else. Why should this be any different? But I expected more from you.”

“Jesus,” Jensen muttered leaning back against the door. “Is that what this is about?”

“What the fuck else would it be about? You’re his best friend. Despite the fact that you’re a goddamned bitch, your opinion means the world to him. Is it the fact that he’s happy with anyone who isn’t you that’s got your panties all in a knot, or is it just because it’s me?”

“Steve,” Jensen said sighing, but Steve was on a roll and not interested in hearing whatever crap was about to come out of his mouth. “NO Jensen! You’re gonna fuckin’ listen to me for once!”

“You an’ I have been friends for a long time. A lot longer than you and Chris or me and Chris, but goddamnit I love Jared, and he loves me back. I will NOT lose this because you’re pullin’ your prima donna act because you don’t like the fact that you don’t got your fuck toy at your beck and call anymore!”

Jensen sighed and nodded biting his lip. “I know. I’m sorry. I was a jackass about it. I just… I didn’t expect it is all. I mean, Jared’s my best friend. I wasn’t ready to lose that.”

Steve shook his head confused at the turn of the conversation. “Why would my relationship with Jared affect your friendship?”

“How many of your past lovers do you still hang out with?” Jensen asked sarcasm lay on thick.

“Well none, but then most of my quote past lovers were one night stands that I didn’t know beforehand and didn’t care to know after. The only real one who wasn’t is Chris and shit I could give a fuck if he ever talks to me again. Christ, Jay’ll probably kill him if he even tries. He REALLY hates that guy.”

“Yeah,” Jensen agrees finally pushing off the door and moving around Steve to settle in the living room. “It ain’t just a personality conflict either. Jared would never tell me what happened, but apparently something went down between them before Supernatural and it left some pretty harsh feelings.”

“Well, I don’t have a problem with never speaking to Chris again. I am done with that drama.” Steve settled into a chair pulling one leg up to his chest. “I mean it Jen, I really love him.”

Grinning Jensen shook his head. “It’s so weird to think about, but oddly because I can’t figure out how it didn’t happen sooner. Once I got over the initial shock it seemed like a natural pairing.”

“Yeah, things have kinda just progressed smoothly. It’s like Jared’s always been a part of my life. I can’t imagine now how I managed without him before now.”

“He’s a good guy, Steve. Take care of him. He hurts easier than you’d think.” Then Jensen’s face got serious as he watched Steve intently. “I would hate to beat the living crap out of you for banging one of your bar sluts while you were off at a gig somewhere without him.”

“I wouldn’t,” Steve insisted and Jensen just watched him. “See that you don’t.”


“I got the ‘hurt him and I kick your ass’ speech from Jenny today,” Steve mentioned that night as he was preparing dinner, Jared in his normal spot at the counter.

Jared frowned and tilted his head to one side. “Seriously?”

“Yeah, of course that was after I called him a bitch. He says he’s sorry by the way for being a jerk when you two talked.”

Jared sighed embarrassed. “You didn’t have to run and defend my honor,” Jared muttered and Steve just grinned. Jared may be the one who was going to be calling the shots in their sex life, but Steve took charge everywhere else, and he had no doubt Jared secretly liked being defended.

“Of course I did. He hurt you. If it had been Chris and I, you woulda kicked his ass before I was even done tellin’ the story.” Jared just nodded, knowing it was true and really he didn’t have the heart to put up any more than a token of protest. From there conversation flowed smoothly as they each recounted their day to the other as it would continue to do so for the rest of their lives. No matter what distance they were from each other at the end of the day, whether it be a few feet or several thousand miles, they always shared everything with each other.

The big step was eventually taken. The romance factor was so big that Jared wondered aloud if they were both growing girl parts, then immediately proved they weren’t… several times. When their relationship became public, they took it in stride, and made it through thanks to their families and friends. Jared and Jensen’s friendship remained as strong as ever, and when Jared and Steve adopted their first child, a son not so surprisingly named Ross Dean Carlson-Padalecki, Jensen was a very dotting Godfather.

Chris tried to cause problems for awhile, but after Jared had an in depth “talk” with him that resulted in busted knuckles and a fat lip, they didn’t hear much from him again. Steve didn’t know the specifics. It was one of the few things they hadn’t shared, but he trusted Jared, who happily let Steve fuss over his various bumps and bruises. All in all their future was happy and full of love weathered with a few detours and speed bumps, but they laughed and loved through it all.

Steve for the rest of his life would be thankful he and Jared walked into that bar.

The End

steve/jared, steve carlson, jared

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