Paddy's Coffee 'Verse: The Maestro's Instrument

May 03, 2008 22:25

Title: The Maestro’s Instrument
Author: KliqzAngel
Series: Paddy’s Coffee ‘Verse
Actors: Jensen Ackles and Jared Padalecki
Content: M/M Relationships and Sex, PWP
Rating: R
Notes: Future Fic in the Verse. Just somethin’ I’ve been holdin’ onto and decided to post.

Previous Parts: Here

Jensen was a bottom. There was no disputing that fact. He was a bottom, he loved being a bottom, and he loved his men as toppy as he could find them.

And Jay…

His Jay that wore his black leather so tight that it looked painted on.

His Jay that hid in an array of pastel polo shirts.

His Jay that claimed him in front of a room of would-be suitors, was one of the toppiest he’d found without being one of those creepy abusive types.

And, right at that moment, there was nothing but 100% top reflecting in Jared’s eyes.

He was holding him down, hands gripping his arms, legs pinning his down, eyes reflecting the feral gleam of a man who knew what he wanted. Just the situation was enough to make Jensen’s breath turn choppy, anticipation stealing every other one that fought to come out.

“So fucking pretty,” Jay half-whispered half growled the bass in his voice ramped up enough to make Jensen shiver as the sound shot straight from his ears to his groin.

He loved the sound of Jay’s voice like this. All bass and drawl and tenor so low and gritty that you expected that his throat was filled with half a sandbox.

“Do you know who you belong to?”

Jensen opened his mouth to answer, air rushing out, heartbeat quickening, pulse racing, want and need building steadily, but before he could answer Jay spoke again.

“Do you, Pretty? Do you know or do I need to remind you?” Jared asked face inches from his, hot breath hitting the side of his face, the scent of whiskey on his breath hitting Jensen, reminding him of the club, which only increased Jensen’s want and need.

For a moment, he remembered the dance floor. Jared pressed tightly against his back, laying possession to him in front of everyone, declaring himself to be the king of the land, daring any fool to enter and try to take what was his, under the penalty of death. Their conversation from months ago came back, mingling with the memories of earlier that evening. He supposed that the idea should sicken him, but it did not. It only excited him more, to know that if his life were in danger that Jared would kill for him.

Normally, guys Jared’s size had no ability to dance, but as in all other things, Jared here was an anomaly too possessing raw primal grace that was as unexpected as it was erotic to watch. He flowed around and behind Jensen, oozing masculinity. He made all want with envy knowing they stood no chance to possess.

“I think I need to remind you. Don’t I?”

‘Yes,’ Jensen’s mind screamed pupil’s dilating as his toes curled into the bed sheets already rumpled from that afternoon.

Jared’s lips locked onto his without warning. Stealing even the thought of speaking, robbing him of the ability to do anything but hang on and hope that he would be devoured by this king of a man. His leg rose, locking around Jared’s lip, rubbing their cocks together, increasing the need in them both.

“You’re mine, Pretty. Now, tomorrow, next year, until the end of time, every inch, every breath, every cell and pour, every hair on your head, and every freckle on your body belongs to me. And, I would suggest that you don’t forget it because it isn’t likely to change, ever”

Jared’s hands played Jensen’s body like a precisely tuned instrument. The sense of sight not needed to know exactly where to touch to get the best results, which was good because his lips were locked just below his ear on that spot that made, Jensen. CRAZY!

They were long past the need for condoms, and not for the first time Jensen was relieved. The need to feel Jared, really feel him buried so deep inside of him was stronger than the need for his next breath.

He felt fingers pushing inside of him with that strange combination of gentleness and possessiveness that he could only get with this man, this glorious man, who was slowly turning his brain to mush and his bones to rubber. He felt his insides petted and stroked and stretched, that spot, that one particular spot bathed with attention until Jensen was arching and begging, fingers digging into Jared’s back, toes curling as feet planted themselves in an effort to get… MORE.

“Do you remember yet, Pretty?” Jared growled and beyond the point where speech was possible, Jensen just looked at him, eyes blown, skin glowing with sheen of sweat, mouth open wishing it could speak the words that its brain struggled to piece together.

However, before he could figure out even a single word, it was possessed.

Or, he was possessed as was probably a more accurate case mouth and body, tongue and cock, a flawless simultaneous effort better than any seen at an Olympic figure skating competition. The rhythm being played out on his body only increased. The chords and notes speeding up as song Jared was orchestrating became all but orgasmic. Bodies touching, skin slapping against skin, moans and pants and growls and groans all creating a symphony even Beethoven would be jealous of.

When the ending came it was sudden and explosive, Jensen’s body erupting with sounds and fluids. He didn’t know which were his and which were Jared’s, but in this life he’d found himself in, he didn’t much think it mattered, and didn’t have much time to analyze the thought before the king was once more voicing his claim on his kingdom. Head thrown back, fingers digging into his hips hard enough it was just on the side of painful, but not so much so it wasn’t damned erotic in itself and the bruises would be enjoyed for the memory they created. His mouth opened and a roar was unleashed worthy of any king of the jungle, and Jensen was sure if he had the strength to get it up again, that sound could make it happen.

But, as it was, his king soon made his exhaustion known, as he collapsed to the bed dragging and turning Jensen over and around until he was draped on top like a human blanket despite the heat coming off both their naked bodies. A huge hand pressed onto the back of his head as another stroked his lower back, and suddenly Jensen found himself thrust into the final verse of Jared’s symphony. His body melting again, but for another reason as feelings of being cherished and adored soothed him.

As Jensen’s eyes closed, and his breathing slowed, he imagined he could almost hear the tune winding down in his head, at least for the moment.

Until the next time anyway, when the maestro would create another masterpiece and Jensen would happily be his favorite muse.

paddy's coffee verse, pwp, j2

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