Simple Country Boy

Mar 22, 2007 19:38

Title: Simple Country Boy
Author: KliqzAngel
Content: M/M Relationships & Sex, AU, PWP, RPS, Tiny Mention of (W)incest
Disclaimer: I own no one
Rating: R
Song: Ready an’ Willing by Whitesnake
Summary: Christian finds himself in a position he wasn’t familiar with, and he wasn’t complaining at all.

Christian came off stage and snuck a glance at the bar, shivering as the bartender’s gaze bore into him. Guys weren’t normally Chris’ thing, but there was something about this one that got to him. He had to be in the neighborhood of 6’5”, with broad shoulder and eyes dark with things Chris couldn’t even begin to name, but assured him that he could back up anything Chris could come up with. His hair was just long enough to pull back into a ponytail and he had hands that gave Chris thoughts unlike any he ever had before, unlike any he’d ever imagined having before. This man made Chris want things he never imagined himself wanting - like domination.

Chris considered himself a good ol’ boy and wasn’t used to backing down from any situation, of having the frame of mind where he was gonna let anyone get the better of him, but he’d never been in a situation like this. He’d been at the bar almost a month now and he had yet to be able to get past the thought of what the man behind the bar might do if Chris just… let him. His dreams, his time alone with himself, hell even his lyrics had been consumed by this man he knew barely anything about and wanted to know a lot more of.

Picking his guitar case off the stage Chris crossed the room and pushed open the door of the tiny dressing room they let him use between sets, only to feel large hands shove him inside and slam the door behind them. “I’m tired of waiting for you to make a move, Country Boy,” the voice growled in his ear deep and fill of promises that made his insides melt and his knees quiver.

“Please,” Christian whispered, meaning to utter some wise crack, but sharp teeth nipping at his neck stopped him, bringing out a moan where he’d intended the words to be.

The hands snuck around his waist undoing his pants and shoving them down until he was exposed from the waist down. “This how you want it, Country Boy?” You want it hard and fast? You wanna be able to feel me in you still when you get back on that stage?”

“Please,” Christian begged again, not caring how he sounded. His body had shifted into high gear as his cock pressed hard and aching against the wall. The hands he’d been fantasizing about for weeks were rough as they slipped under his shirt and lips roamed his neck sucking between the bites left from impossibly white teeth and Chris’ mind became stuck as only the word please could force its way through his lips.

When none too gentle fingers slipped inside of him Christian whimpered at the burning sensation wondering how such pain could feel so good. “You sure you wanna do this, Country Boy? We do and you’re gonna be marked, branded like a goddamned Holstein. You’ll never be satisfied again by anyone else. You’ll never wanna be anywhere else and I ain’t gonna be willing to share you with anyone… unless it’s my brother that is.”

The chuckle was filled with things far from humor and made what little was left of Christian’s sanity flee. The thought of this man doing what he was doing to Christian with his own brother should sicken him Chris knew, but instead they made him want more than ever. The loss of the fingers stretching him shook him from his thoughts, but the feel of something hard pressed against him narrowed them again. “You gotta say it, Country Boy. You gotta tell me this is what you want. You gotta let me know you’re willin’ to be mine, to be ours.”

Christian whimpered his cheek rubbing against the rough cement walls that made up the room as he nodded. “Please, Sam, please. Anything yes, I want it. All of it, I want it all.”

Sam spoke softly, but Christian couldn’t understand him and wasn’t going to bother to ask because before he could have even formed the word what he’d been needing for the last several weeks was filling him up, making him scream with a mixture of pleasure and pain.

But, Sam was not giving him any time for adjustment. When the man said he was gonna give it hard, hard he gave.

The pace he set was brutal, and everything Christian wanted. The hard wooden stool he had to sit on in a matter of moments was the farthest thing from his mind even though it was gonna be rough sitting through his remaining set. If those large hands hadn’t been holding him up he probably would have fallen, but it was the voice that had him hooked. Deep and husky, growling filth and promises in his ear, Christian was getting off as much on the vibrations it was sending through him as the hard cock slamming up against that special spot inside him until he felt like he was being torn in two as his body raged war with itself as to which was going to get him off faster.

Then as if they weren’t enough one of those lovely huge hands with it’s long achingly erotic fingers slipped downward, wrapping itself around him as it began tugging at his cock insuring he wasn’t left behind. This was no soft and gentle romantic tryst but the promises being spoken to Christian were coming through loud and clear. He was being possessed in the best possible way and there was no way he was running to his local pastor crying for an exorcism.

As his release came nearly ripping him apart, Christian was faintly aware of Sam’s voice in his ear and the free hand in his hair tangled in his long locks, pulling his head back at a painful angle and yet Christian had no intention of arguing about that either. For a moment it felt like time was freezing as the length of Sam’s much larger body rested against his none so gently, reminding him of the fact that this man could pretty much make him do anything he wanted, and yet Christian wasn’t planning on arguing with it for a minute.

When someone pounded on the door, Christian found himself jolted back to reality slightly unpleasantly. “Get a move on, Sam! Man’s got a set to do!” Another deep chuckle in his ear and then Sam’s heat was robbed from him as Sam moved back to pull his own pants up, giving Christian room to do the same.

“That’s Dean-speak for he’s anxious to get his turn, Country Boy. So you best sing real pretty but don’t get any ideas about making any plans for afterwards. Your evening is filled.” Christian turned to see Sam pushing the door open and just when Christian thought he was gonna leave without him being able to see those eyes once more before he had to go on stage, Sam turned on him and looked at him with an expression so dark and full of danger and possession Chris almost came again on the spot. “Just remember which Winchester you belong to, Country Boy. Dean may be the pretty smooth talker, but you both… you belong to me.”

Later Chris sat on the stool, way too hard for the abuse his poor ass had gone through, belting out a tune he didn’t normally perform, but somehow seemed to be perfect for his situation.

I wanna be loved,
Don't wanna be teased.
I don't want no woman
Getting down on her knees.

I'm ready an' willing
To reach for the sun,
So I can get me some loving
Before I'm gone.

I want more, more, more, more,
I want some more
Sweet satisfaction to soothe my soul.

I want you to rock me
All night long.
Rope an' ride me, baby,
Do me wrong.

Roll me over, make be bleed,
I'd dance with the devil
To get what I need.
I need more, more, more, more,
I need some more of that
Sweet satisfaction to soothe my soul.

I get this crazy feeling inside my soul,
And it's driving me insane.
I get this crazy feeling,
Can you feel it, baby,
It's driving me out of my mind.
I'm talking about sweet satisfaction,
I'm ready an' willing, sweet satisfaction.
I'm ready an' willing, sweet satisfaction.
Sweet satisfaction, sweet satisfaction.
I'm ready an' willing.

I get this crazy feeling inside my soul,
And it's driving me insane.
I get this crazy feeling,
Can you feel it, baby,
It's driving me out of my mind.
I keep on looking for

Sweet satisfaction, I'm ready an' willing.
Sweet satisfaction, I'm ready an' willing.
Sweet satisfaction, I keep on looking.
Sweet satisfaction, I keep on looking...

Christian looked up halfway through the song and saw Dean watching him from the back of the room with a knowing smirk on his face. Christian couldn’t help but shake his head as he felt himself settle into whatever was coming from these Winchesters. Whatever it was he was gonna have a steady gig, free beer and all the sex he wanted. For a simple country boy like him, there wasn’t really much else he could ask for.

The End!

sam winchester, simple country boy, sam/christian, christian

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