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Lawrence M. Schoen. You can comment here or
It’s a bit of a blur (as so much of my memory is), but I think I first met this week’s EATING AUTHORS guest, Erica L. Satifka, at a Capclave. Or maybe it was the Nebulas in 2011 or 2012, or possibly in 2014 at World Fantasy. So, okay, I’m not clear on the date or the precise venue, but I’m pretty sure it was in the greater D.C. area. She and her husband, Rob, still lived in Pennsylvania at the time (they’ve since relocated to Oregon), and Erica was publishing short fiction in places like Shimmer Magazine, and Clarkesworld, and Lady Churchill’s Rosebud Wristlet. I remember it was late, and we sat in a bar-adjacent section of the hotel and talked shop while I ate some truly forgettable bar-menu dinner. What did stick in my mind was the impression of “hey, these are good people.”
Time does its thing, and we stumble into one another in Kansas City at MidAmeriCon II. Erica mentions that a little over a month ago
Apex Publications released her first novel,
Stay Crazy. High fives all around! I love celebrating the success of other writers, and a first novel is a real benchmark moment. It also seemed like the perfect time to invite her to drop by this blog, and lo, here she is now.
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