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Lawrence M. Schoen. You can comment here or
One of the joys of traveling to the World Science Fiction Convention (and I try to go most years) is seeing old friends. Another is making new ones. This week’s EATING AUTHORS guests falls into that second category. Sonia Orin Lyris lives in Washington state, and somewhere in the midst of last summer’s 73rd WorldCon (aka Sasquan), between doing panels and attending readings and sneaking in some geocaching and enjoying some really fine restaurants - all of this happening under the smoke-filled skies and a bloody red sun that doubled for the eye of Sauron - I met Sonia, and we hit it off quite well as so often happens. And too, as is the way of such things, I’ve managed to forget who introduced us (though maybe someone will remind me in the comments below), but that’s not important. What’s important is that this talented writer who mostly works at shorter length had a novel coming out from Baen early in the new year; specifically,
The Seer, tomorrow. So, naturally I invited her to drop by here and regale you with her most memorable meal.
My one regret is that I didn’t talk to her about chocolate. She’s something of an expert on the subject. I’m hoping she’ll be at Kansas City for this summer’s WorldCon and we can address this oversight.
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