My Tentative 2016 ConDFW Schedule

Jan 31, 2016 18:30

Originally published at Lawrence M. Schoen. You can comment here or there.

In just a couple weeks, I’ll be returning to Dallas for the first time in decades. When I visited there 40 years ago it was in pursuit of the first girl I ever loved. This trip is much less romantic - despite it occurring over Valentine’s Weekend - but still sure to be enjoyable as I’ll be attending ConDFW.

Here’s the current version of my schedule. It could still change, but I think it’s pretty solid.

Friday, February 12th
03:00 p.m. (Jefferson) That’s No Moon! Designing Space Stations in Space Opera
With the advent of Star Wars VII’s Starkiller Base, we have yet another gigantic space station in space opera. Between a base built into a planet (or vice versa, of course), and more standard space stations such as Bespin, Babylon V or Deep Space Nine, how does an author create a place for a story to revolve around? Our space opera experts debate these and other issues.
With John DeLaughter (M), John Scalzi, Michael Ashleigh Finn, Melanie Fletcher

04:00 p.m. (The Gallery) Autographing
Bring me something to sign. Could be a book, could be a sandwich (okay, maybe not).
With Melanie Fletcher

Saturday, February 13th
11:00 a.m. (Madison) Reading
Come by and listen to me read from Barsk. Stina Licht is also there (though likely reading from something else, but you never know..
With Stina Licht

01:00 p.m. (Madison) What Genre is Batman?
It’s difficult to pigeonhole what genre a book falls into sometimes. But can traditional comic heroes be described in literary genres? Batman, for instance, probably could fit into the cyberpunk genre. Superman could fit into Urban Fantasy (while he is on Earth) or Science Fiction (off Earth). Our panelists attempt to label your favorite superhero, and then defend why they are that genre. With R. Cat Conrad (M), Michael Ashleigh Finn, David Doub, Frances May

Sunday, March 27th
11:00 a.m. (Madison) The Art of the Contract
If you want to try more traditional ways of publishing, you’re going to need to learn how to read fine print. Our publishers talk about contracts, what to look out for and what to hold out for.
With Julia S. Mandala (M), Rhonda Eudaly, T.M. Hunter, David L. Gray

As always, be aware that some of the people listed on the items above may change or disappear. Times and locations of panels may alter.

See you at ConDFW!

barsk, appearance, news, traveling, conventions

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