Eating Authors - The Master List - now updated through the end of 2014

Dec 31, 2014 07:30

Originally published at Lawrence M. Schoen. You can comment here or there.

Back in June of 2011 I started a weekly blog feature, EATING AUTHORS. The plan was simple: showcase a genre novelist - newbie, “big name author,” or anywhere in between - and ask my guest to reminisce about his/her most memorable meal. It’s been a bit of paying it forward, a bit of sneaking a peek at the personality behind the work, and it’s given me an excuse to reach out to friends I don’t correspond with enough and to encounter new authors who had never heard of me. So, pretty much a win-win from Day 1.

After three and a half years, the feature is still going strong. But with coming up on 200 authors it’s easy to lose track as to who’s already been here. And so last summer I began compiling a Master List to help keep track of that information. I’ve just updated that list through the end of 2014, which seems like a good final post for the year.

But know, I’ve got an impressive list of authors and meals already lined up for 2015, and plenty of others that I’ll track down and harangue invite to participate. I hope you’ll join us.

photo credit: “Setting 1″ by Christopher Peplin

plugs, eating authors

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