and the finalists are...

May 11, 2007 00:01

Well, you alredy know who they are... Belarus (Kirkorov must be the happiest person in the world now), Slovenia, Bulgaria, Georgia, Macedonia, Hungary, Moldova, Latvia, Serbia, Turkey.
I am sorry that Netherlands didn't make it to the final, and I'm sorry that Bulgaria and Slovenia did.
They start the "old song" complaining about neighbour-voting, and that western states are unhappy that they didn't make to the final, they blame on "former Soviet Union states" and "Former Yugoslavia", and of course Turkey is not "western at all"....
well,let's see what happens in the Final.

Must say, that there were few songs that impressed me, in last years there had been more good songs...

I guess Czechs have hardly noticed that Kabat didn't make it to the final, the have hardly noticed ESC at all. And the moderator said in such a cute manner " on saturday you can see ...,...,... and transvestit Verushka. :)
Good night, people :)
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