this terry crap is pissing me off too. i dont even know what the fuck happened to her. all i know that she doesnt have a feeding tube, which i heard on the news, isnt a feeding tube? WHAT? this case doesnt make sense to me.
Long story, short. She was bullimic. She had a heart attack at 25, left her braindead. She got stuck on life support. After 8 years, the husband asks a judge to let him disconnect her from life support cuz he says that Terri told him many times she wouldn't want to live like that. Her parents object, say she might be cured, she's not totally braindead, she's Roman Catholic and they believe in the sanctity of life, the husband just wants to get rid of her because he has a new woman and two kids with the new woman, blah blah blah. 7 years of litigation ensue. Seems like the final judgement from the courts is that the husband's the legal guardian and he's representing what Terri would've wanted and that the parents are full of shit. The tube that gives her all her food and water is removed, so she can die slow from dehydration and starvation.
but i still dont see all the hype over this. this is why every one should have a will. even if you're 10! it save us a lot of legal battles and save the courts' time!
basically, they are keeping her alive by giving her the nutrients she needs to survive. but survive as what? a vegetable.
yea, i'm sure she grew up saying, i wanna be vegetable when i get big!
i seem very apathetic to this case because they want to keep her alive because she has the right to be alive? what about her right not to be sujected to live as a vegetable. blah.
as would i. her parents are practicing a very selfish type of love. the only part of this that upsets me is that she is dying a slow and very painful/uncomfortable death. it would be so much easier if she was on a respirator or something and just fell into an endless sleep after they pulled the plug. but this is a horrible way to go. but then again, it can't be that much worse than the nightmare she's been living for the past 15 years. i'm so glad her parents are finally calling it quits. they are fighting a losing battle.
apparently her docs said that she can feel NO pain whatsoever because of her condition. yet they give her a morphine drip. WHAT? if you gotta go, you gotta go. you cant try to hold on to something that isnt productive. plus, she's taking up valuable space that someone who IS alive can use.
rather, i should rephrase that --- she is taking up space that people who can feel the pain will be able to die in a hospice in peace. they are not giving her any piece of mind whatsoever.
there are different stories as to whether she feels pain or not or if she feels emotions or not. some say she does, whereas, some say those parts of her brain are dead. i guess no one really knows except her. what i don't get is why her case is getting soooo much attention when there are a million other situations like this going on around the world? is it because her parents persisted and made it such a huge issue? i don't think congress had any business getting involved. this is strictly between her family and her husband and whatever higher being is out there.
i dont even know what the fuck happened to her.
all i know that she doesnt have a feeding tube, which i heard on the news, isnt a feeding tube?
this case doesnt make sense to me.
but i still dont see all the hype over this. this is why every one should have a will. even if you're 10! it save us a lot of legal battles and save the courts' time!
basically, they are keeping her alive by giving her the nutrients she needs to survive. but survive as what? a vegetable.
yea, i'm sure she grew up saying, i wanna be vegetable when i get big!
i seem very apathetic to this case because they want to keep her alive because she has the right to be alive? what about her right not to be sujected to live as a vegetable. blah.
sorry. brain fart.
i'd be pissed if i was a vegitable
;x i am such a bitch.
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