Feb 20, 2005 11:20
I went to club hell friday night (much different than my usual night) friday is rock and roll highschool, wend is fetish night. Personally I like fetish night better but thats just me. I went with John, Mike, and Pat I love those guys they are so cool they are like my brothers no more and no less. I didnt get to Josh's until about 2 in the morning and well found out that my pregnaunt mickey mouse fish was dead, and when Josh woke up this morning found out that X (the beta) was dead. Yeah it kinda sucks but next friday Josh said that he would get me some guppies :)
I went and got chinese food last night and well the guy was a total dickhead, he was a dick inside a dick. I wanted to smack him but I stayed calm, if I had the power I would deport him damn it!
I miss Tara but it really hurts to know that she wasnt there on my birthday, maybe she just doesnt like me anymore so IM giving her, her space.