Sep 14, 2005 19:13
1. Pick one of your scars out, now how did you get it? I have a scar on my leg from dropping my curling iron... the telephone scared me when it rang!!! Haha... it's one of the many curling iron scars
2. What is on the walls in your room? Well pic's... because I LOVE PICS... and a George Costanza poster (Julie's doing, not mine), and a "print" of a flower if you will...
3. Would you rather play football or watch it? Watch it... IU FOOTBALL HELL YAH!
4. What sport would you say you are best at? Cheerleading... GO CRIMSON!!!
5. What is/was your worst nightmare? Watching Olivia Fisher have sex with Randy Johnson and Jim Ralston... AT THE SAME TIME!!! Still freaks me out...
7. Apples or oranges? Neither... both gross me out
8. Grapes or watermelon? GrAPeS!!! YUMMY
9. Wolves or tigers? Tigers, and lions, and bears... OH MY!!!
10. What music do you listen to? I LOVE COUNTRY... but I'll listen to anything
11. Have you ever written poetry? Back in the day, when I thought I was cool shit for writing poetry
13. Do you remember birthdays? If I care enough about the person haha
14. Do you know what time you were born? Around 9 am-ish?
15. Do you have a birthmark, where? On my right arm... it's hott
16. Would you call yourself a romantic person? On occasions...
17. What is the weirdest thing you have ever done? Jumped off a bunk bed, landed on a shower caddy, and broke my foot + letting Julie ice it with a root beer
18. What were you doing before you started filling this in? Eating dinner at the Zeta house with Jenna
19. What is your favorite gum? Orbit... green kind
20. Favorite chocolate? Snickers... the mini ones though... I think they're better
21. Favorite candy (non chocolate)? The stick things that you lick and dip in flavored sugar
22. Chocolate or vanilla ice cream? Chocolate
23. Do you own anything leather? Wouldn't you like to know =))
24. Favorite cologne? Very Sexy for men
25. Favorite perfume? Very Sexy for women
26. Do you own an instrument? I still have the ole flute from 5th grade
27. What is the first thing you notice on someone? EYES!!!!!!!!!!!!
28. What is your favorite smell? Julie's lotion
29. Favorite sound that you hear often? Julie's freaking AIM Messages... cause she gets the ALL the time
30. What are you thinking right now? That I can't think because I was asked...
31. Do you get claustrophobic? In the freaking elevators in BriscHOE
32. Could you ever see yourself moving from where you are now? NNNOOOO I WANT TO LIVE IN A DORM FOREVER... HELL YAH
33. What is your favorite Disney movie of all time? Cinderella... why can't I be just like her?!
34. What is your favorite song of all time? I don't know... thats a hard question
35. What was your favorite color when you were ten? Gosh... probably purple
36. What color are your eyes? Brown... full of shit!
37: Do you or have you ever slept with a stuffed animal? Yah, my PUSSY... don't ask
38. If so what was/is it’s name? PUSSY
39. Who was your first crush when you were little? Chad Nelson... who didn't?
40. Most embarrassing childhood moment? When I walked out of the gas station with a pack of gum and I got in trouble... I DIDN'T KNOW I WAS LITTLE!!
41. What kind of hair do you like on the opposite sex? DARK! DARK! DARK!
42. What attracts you to someone of the opposite[same] sex? Smile, gorgeous eyes, nice body, dark features
43. Who out of your friends have you known the longest? Juliana!!!
45. What is their birthday and middle name? Christine... February 2nd
46. Sunrise or sunset? Sunset...
47. Where at? Over Lake Michigan... GORGEOUS
48. (For the ladies, be truthful) where can you see yourself being proposed to at? Okay... here goes... I want to be proposed to by water... any body of water... with rose petals and candles all around... at dark with a full moon!!! I also want champagne and chocolate dipped strawberries
49. (Now the gentlemen, be truthful) where can you see yourself proposing? ...
50. What are your five favorite movies of this year? Well considering I've only seen Wedding Crashers that would have to be about it
57. Where can you see yourself going for your honeymoon? Hawaii!!
59. Do you speak a different language? Je parle francais... mais pas a IU! Sucks to be Julie...
60. What was the first gift someone ever gave you (of the opposite sex)? Zeb Jones gave me a Bath and Body Works Set!
63. What kind of books do you like to read? THE AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF MALCOM X!!!
64. Do you like poetry? Not really
65. How do you like your coffee? A lot of milk, a lot of sugar, and a little bit of coffee! LOVE COFFEE
66. What phrase did you or do you use? WTF
67. Dragons or dinosaurs? EW? Neither...
68. Would you fall in love knowing that the person is leaving? Well yes... don't let anything pass ya by
69. What is the best way to tell someone how much they mean to you? Say what is on your mind...
71. Say a number from one to a hundred: 62
72. Blondes redheads or brunettes? BRUNETTES DUH!
73. Would you prefer to go ice-skating or roller-skating? Ice skating! Junior after prom bitches!
74. What is the one number you call often? Gosh... NO ONE!!!
75. What annoys you most? People who can't be on time!
76. Have you ever dialed the person you like’s phone number and then hung up? No can't say I have