Nov 19, 2005 05:46
I'm getting an apartment!!!!! ahhhh im so excited. My roomies for next year Ashely, Courtney, and hopefully Katie. Yesterday we went apartment shopping and well lets just say we all fell in love with this apartment in tall grass its a four person four bedroom 3 story townhouse, it has an upstairs with two bedrooms (with walk in closets Ash and i already called those rooms) a middle floor which has the kitchen dining room and a living room oh and a patio outside, and then there is a downstairs with two other bedrooms and a laundry room with a washer and dryer (yay no more spending quarters to do laundry) and yeah its practically the dream apartment lol. Each floor has a bathroom too, lol two full bathrooms and one half. Only downside its not prefurnished so we would have to bring up are furniture and i dont know how thats going to work but yeah if we get that apartment we will make it work. Oh Katie,Kelly,Jen,Ash and i also saw the new harry potter movie goblet of fire its awesome we went to the midnight showing on thurs it was so much fun there were so many people dressed up 6 theaters in the whole cinema plex were showing harry potter. Also been getting all my work done so far i only have to finish my term paper, do my extra credit articles,my music review, my listening map, oh and my interview lol and that still seems like a lot but i had way more to start with.
lol btw i checked this with spell check before i posted this and lets just say i suck at grammar thanks goodness for spell check