Jul 11, 2007 18:46
I'm falling for a boy I met through facebook.
we met a few weekends ago and since then, we can't stop talking to each other.
Some nights we talk for six hours straight
I really like him
He likes me
He works a full time job being a computer tech for the schools so he is really busy plus he is finishing college a semester early so hes cramming.
I hope this works
It would be nice to be happy again
heh speaking of which ian has a girlfriend
I have no comments for that one
I'm happy for him but there is so much I wish I could say to him/ask him currently
I'm over him though and really hope that this boy is a keeper like he seems to be.
Me and the rents are going up to saginaw the first weekend in august and I'm meeting his parents and he is meeting mine.
I'm nervous since his dad is a pastor
on a really happy note, summer classes for me end next thursday so i will only have work and can finally have a life
that means i want to hang out with you and will have time