(no subject)

Mar 03, 2005 17:34

hey there, havent updated in a while, kinda. ummmm some new news, im sick, really annoyingly sick. ive been telling my parents that im just fine, as of today that is bc i really really dont think i can handle another day inside, especially on a friday. basically i feel the same, mabye a little bit better. but im still kinda weak, and dizzy my throat i think may have gotten worse, i have a splintering headache, and now my stomach is bothering me. ok so maybe im not better im worse. but im sry i cannot stand to be home, and plus maybe if i get out and move around a bit it will do me some good? plus i dont want them 2 worry ive been out of school for about 2 days now, and i cant stay home tomorrow. ive already missed all sorts of stuff in spanish. weve learned 2 new things since ive been gone, can i afford to miss the 3rd? *sigh* being sick sucks majorly...

--Off in my own little world--
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