Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former.

May 22, 2005 21:16

wow, so this weekend has been...spectacular. It all started on Friday morning...
So I was suppoested to go out for breakfest with erin on friday moring, but she ended up bailing for a math test. I meet Megan on liberity street (after getting a sneak peak at the DD fake funeral) and we were off to the college fair!
While there I discovered that alot of the college reps already knew who I was and where I was going next fall. I talked to U of R about grad school and they gave me a course catalog. They wern't suppoested to give them out but, I was an exception. I got lots of info for Doodey and then waited for megan to finish talking to the reps who were on her choices list.
After that ended (11:30) We went to Carousel Mall for Lunch (an hour and a half) then we sat down in boarders and checked out/disscussed some awesome books. This was followed by moca freezes and a trip back to oswego. Best school day of my life. Then when to pick up my RED tux (pics soon).
Saturday - I canceled guitar with Tomas (sorry!) because I had to go back to SYR to get my tux fixed (they forgot the vest). I had breakfest with erin at waydes and we ate cutie small pancakes, eggs and other tasty things. Then Erin and I had to get 1/2 dozen bagels for her mom. We got to the Bagelrey and they gave us 10 for the price of 6 (w00!) and then I brought her home. I went home, slept for a couple hours and then got ready for prom!
We ended up doing pictures at Liz's house, instead of brightbeck, because it started raining. It was a little cramped and Tom was late (way to ruin all the pictures tom :-p). From there we drove over to megster's, drank some carbonated grape juice, and got into the running late limo. We all ordered chicken fingers and fries (except for scotty! meg/seana had soup or something like that. Scotty had a full fledged meal, but downed it quick). We then arrived fashionably late to prom (hour and a half) where their parent's (not mine) took pictures. Then we danced the night away...
Sunday - we left the prom at 1, which came really really quick, and got turned down to go to krispy kreme doughnuts in syr because of gas. Well, we had no idea what we were going to do for 2 hours with the he gave in and brought us down(that's why he's the wicked cool limo guy). It turns out that it's only the drive in that's open 24 hours, so we walked through with the limo in front. We got back to Megster's at about 2:45 (15 mins early) and took pics with the limo driver. I went home, changed, and then went over to shan's for the night. Nick and seana tried staring a camp fire, but it didn't work because calculus review books don't burn that well. So Flan had to step in and show them how it's done. I went into the tent for a while, tried mad gibs (horriable game because I can't pronounce anything right) and then went in to watch epis II of Starwars. After that I 1/3 fell alseep sharing half of a pull out chair with Shan, then completely passed out on Christin. This is where I apperently owe an apolgie to anyone who left durring/pre/post ice age. I wasn't really awake to say goodbye and didn't really notice anyone leaveing, even Christin who I was sleeping on. so after Ice age ended I woke up and it was 9 am. I had been asleep under 2 hours. I went home and crashed till 10 when Uncle john called to cancel sailing club (thank god) and then slept for the rest of the after noon. Now, my sleep cycle is all skewed and I'll be up all night but damn, I had fun doing it :-). I still don't know where I know Nick's date from (Steph reallylongSname apperently she knows you Putman) so if anyone has any info on that, let me know.

And now, to go read more of fountain head (I'm on the last 100 pages!)


p.s. it's a ~750 page book.
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