† 001 [voice post]

Jul 12, 2008 10:27

[Begin Recording]

(Few seconds of silence before there’s a low, feminine groan. Rustling of cloth and the faint slap of skin against concrete. Deep yawn, and then an abrupt pause in all sound. Moments later, an irritated female voice comes in, still groggy.)

Brother? Frana't oui ku? Fro's E po socamv ykyeh?

(Yawn, more moving cloth and then leather-on-concrete as she stands. Pause, and then her voice is more alert, obviously confused.)

Hey... this isn’t the airship! And it most definitely isn’t Besaid. That’s where we’re supposed to be-how could he screw that up? I mean, it’s not like Luca is that far away from it or anything! And what is on my-

... Oh, machina!

(Static as fingers brush the microphone, and her voice seems to be a bit fainter since it isn’t right by her mouth.)

Looks like something Shinra would cook up. Tch, “just a kid” my ycc. This has gotta be one of the most advanced things he’s ever come up with. Let’s see if I can...

(Fingernails scratching against plastic and metal, static as her fingers hit the microphone again.)

Why can’t I... hmph, stupid Shinra and his stupid machina! S’not nice to keep this from me, y’know. Oh, I bet you can hear me right now, can’t you? Spying on me, you little peeping Tom! I thought Gippal would’ve taught you better. Comm Spheres are much more useful. ... Not that I have any experience, or anything. I’m just saying... anyways. We’ll just see if I can’t take this thing apart and find out what makes it tick!

(A few more bursts of static, and then the recording cuts.)

[End Recording]

(OOC; Let your mouse hover over the Al Bhed for translations. ♥)

mood-swings ahoy, shinra, machina is her life okay, we don't care rikku, stop talking about spira, gippal, new technology ftw, brother, cranky rikku is cranky, go back to bed ugh, voice post, al bhed is the mother tongue, voyeurism is so not cool, rant rant rant

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