
Aug 12, 2007 12:03

^_^ We went to the airshow yesterday! It was my first time going to one and I loved it! Granted it was really loud but that was hardly noticable until you thought back one it...or until the Blue Angels started -.-;

My little sister had a basketball tournament and decided to miss it. It's sad especially since she likes planes more than I do...I actually didn't give them much thought until yesterday ^_^;

I climbed a wall there...One that the army brought over and it was fun. It was also my first time climbing one of those...I know that's kinda sad for a fourteen year old...

Yesterday was a day of firsts. Oh! I made it to the top of the wall and I forgot about the buzzer things at the top so I was hanging there for a minute wondering what I was supposed to do and then I saw the button...

My thought process was something like 'Oooh button! Push!'  And then I dropped down. A guy from the army recruiters caught up to my sister and me (she went up right after I did) and told us we did better than two men who we'd been 'racing' (without our knowledge). That makes you feel good ^_^ And we got laundry bags! They're soft...

*sweatdrop* but yeah. Yesterday was great and we were there from about ten (left the house between nine and nine-thirty) and didn't get back until about six-six:fifteen. My face is sunburned ^_^ Keep in mind that suntan lotion DOES NOT HELP YOUR NOSE UNLESS YOU GLOB IT ON! Oh and my mom's feet were sunburned...ouch.

But yes. It was very fun and I got two of the Blue Angels signitures. Which I'm going to rub in my little sisters face before giving them to her. I have a hat so I'm happy.

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