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Nov 19, 2004 10:49

So it has been a long time since i have updated. Wow, i havs just been really busy with school and stuff. So life has been good. This past week was awesome. Of course it had its ups and downs, but that is just life. Last Saturday I was really crazy and went to the beach at 5:30am. We took Colleens surf board, which is really old, with us. It is so old that we had to put duck tape over it The water was freezing cold becuase we none of us had a wet suit, besides Matt. I told buddy that i would go into the water, so i did but only for like 5 minutes cause my hands started to turn blue. Colleen took the board in ans attempted to surf. Way to go Colleen!!! Jason and Josh were smart and they didn't go into the water. They just got as good laugh at watching us try to bare the cold water. O well it was still fun. So after that Me, Dave, Matt, Josh, Jason, and Colleen went to get breakfast at sugar shack. The food was good, but i am not the big breakfast eater. Later that day I went to Amanda's soccer game and Colleen and Jason came with me. After the game we took Justin to the YMCA. They swam and I worked out for a little while.(Let me remind u that this is all on 2 hours of sleep, lol) That night I went with some friends to shoot pool.
Sunday was so crazy!!!! I got to church at 8am and heloed Mike and Lisa set uo things at church for the mission trip lunch. It kinda sucked cause none of the youth came to help set up, but that is what usually happens. It was cool though cause the lunch went well and a lot of people in the church came to it. Later that night I went with Dani to a concert. So Monday was YAM and we just chilled and played a game. It is always fun to once and a while ditch the lesson and play a game. After YAM me, Dave, Ian, Matt, and Peggy went to shoot pool. I am really getting into that game now. I still havn't beat Matt yet. O well the games are getting closer though and at least I have been giving him a run for his money. I do great until it gets down to the 8 ball and then that is where I get in trouble, lol.
So tuesday I took Justin to school and then went over to the gym to work out for about 2 hours. Went home took a shower and picked up Justin from school. We then headed over to Fullerton to pick up Millie from school. Then the 3 of us headed over to Disneyland. The park was soooooooo empty. We went to DCA first and then to Disneyland. It was cool, both of them had a great time and I had fun too. Wednessday was v-ball. It was ok, i like basketball so much better, but it is just cool to hang out and see everyone. I can't wait until basketball next week. It is going to be really fun, especially if Mike comes. Thursday I went with my mom up to simi valley to visit my great grandma who is 102. It was kinda depressing to see here because she didn't know who we were and she can't see. But 102 is along time to live!!! It was nice to see her though. In the evening we played footbal at the beach. I wish it didn't get dark so early,lol. That night Peggy and Matt came over to my grandpa's house and we shot pool in his game room. We have to do that again really soon. Then when I got home I had a really long discussion with my dad(this doesn't happen very often)
While I was at football Justin had his IEP meeting. It is a meeting at his school where all of his teachers meet with Justin and my mom to talk about the special programs that he is in for school and the progress that he has made and all of that stuff. Right now he is in the RSP programs and stuff becasue he is behing in reading due to missing so much school and he missed a whole year of first grade. I just get pissed cause some of those teachers at his school are so unconsiderate of his situation and treat him like crap. I really wanted to go to the meeting but my mom did not want me to go cause she new that i would not keep my mouth shut. Which she was right! They are really worried about him cause he is still reading at like a 2nd grade level. It is so frusterating to Justin because he trys really hard but he cannot remember a lot of stuff due to all of the radiation he had. He has great ideas but he just can't read or write them down. I get mad cause i try to help him and he wants to do it on his own, but that is understandable. He was told what to do for so long and he didn't have many choices and now he is just tired of it. Justin tells me a lot of stuff that he doesn't tell other peole. We talk a lot about him having cancer and everything. He told me that he wants to help other kids like him and he sometimes wounders if it could ever come back. I just thank God that he is alive. We all went through so much and we thought that it would be better but know it is still effecting hime with school and stuff. We always new that there would be long term effects from the chemo. That is just a risk that had to be taken. So the whole thing is that they want to put him in a special day program and stuff. They also said that he qualifies for having a learning disability. I know it will all work out and it jsut takes time but it just pisses me off. This also adds more stress on my parents cause they have to decide what to do. So now Justin feels like he is a stupid idiot. All i know is that i will continue to do anything in my power to help him out.
On the upside of things i have learned from this whole experience. It has all happened for a reason and good things have come out of it and i know that more will come. I am so excited because this summer on top of being a counselor at elementary camp and maybe junior high I applied to be a counselor at camp Ronald MC Donald. It is a camp just for cancer paitence and there siblings. I feel that God is calling me to work with these kids. I have to do something to help!\
Well i guess that is all for now. I am on my way to have lunch with Jackie and then we are taking Justin to the movies tonight!!! i can't wait till tomorrow. I am going surfing and I am determined to get on the board and cautch a wave!!!
Love ya All!!!
God Bless!
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