and these shadows keep on changing

Mar 29, 2008 02:04

Okay, as hybrid_xisha knows, I have gone mad. Actually insane people? Why you ask? Why?

Well, it all began a few weeks ago. I came to Virginia and xylodemon wrote bandom!fic about My Chemical Romance. Now I quite like the band and LA reawakened my long silenced goth!girl inside and this fic, coupled with a brutal picspam attack that featured not only pretty MCR boys, but pretty boys in make-up and tattoos and lovely hipbones. Those not in the know? I love all these things. It is a vice. :( Which made me plunge into bandom. I have been listening to all their tunes and looking at pictures and bewailing to hybrid_xisha the mockery I will no doubt be suffering after revealing all this.

I find out that MCR are playing in New York when I'm there.



Am I mad? I'm mad, aren't I?


How so? Well!

Letters to Iwo Jima came out in 2006 as did 3:10 to Yuma. Now! I am not dying about Clint Eastwood. I like him - I do! But I don't go out of my way to see his movies. Now - part of me was REALLY SPECIAL and thought these two movies were linked and you had to see one to understand the other, which, is complete bollocks! IS TRAGIC THAT I THOUGHT THIS. Yet there is a light in this tale.

Erica, my love, my light, got me into the WONDER that is Arashi and I have been flailing for about 3 weeks now due to it. And as I started reading up on them, I realised I vaguely knew about MatsuJun previous as two girls on my Japanese course adore Hana Yori Dango and we had a brief discussion about it in Japan. Erica also mentioned Nino being in a Hollywood movie. '\o/', thinks I, 'I will have to hunt this movie down!'

Only to discover it is Letters to Iwo Jima WHICH AMAZED ME BY BEING ON TV TONIGHT.

So I watched it because Nino was in it and I loved it. LOVED IT.

There is one particular shot that made my heart clench and the lighting was amazing and the look on Saito's face - confusion and numbness and shock and utterly lost - that I want. Badly.

Utter bandom!flail on my part.

And now, thanks to MOST OF YOU LOT ON MY F!LIST, I have what I believe to be a massive chunk of my student loan plotted out in expenditures - or, as I call it, my utter acceptance of commodity fetishism.

Now! In matters not related to fandom!flail but rather, another type of flail altogether - PARTY AT THE therenodaemis/isthatjamie COMPOUND TOMORROW - WOO HOO!


fandom, i vote for porn, arashi - more gay than you

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