List-making, not painting the apartment: Books Read in 2008

Jun 25, 2008 19:02


1. The Oldest Dead White European Males and Other Reflections on the Classics (Knox)
2. Oresteia (Aeschylus, trans. Lattimore)
3. Four Plays by Aristophanes (trans. Arrowsmith, Lattimore, and Parker)
4. The Complete Plays of Aristophanes (trans. Rogers, Webb, Hadas, and Lindsay)


5. The Poems of Propertius (trans. Carrier)
6. The Primates (Devore and Eimerl)
7. The Collected Poems of Louis MacNeice (ed. Dodds)
8. Light and Vision (Mueller and Rudolph)
9. A Streetcar Named Desire (Williams)


10. Tales of an Old Ocean (van Andel)
11. The Transformations of Lucius; Otherwise Known as the Golden Ass (Apuleius, trans. Graves)
12. Selected Plays of Louis MacNeice (ed. Heuser and Macdonald)
13. Greek and Roman Philosophy after Aristotle (ed. Saunders, many translators)
14. Intercourse (Dworkin)


15. Walking (Thoreau)


16. The Adventures of Tom Sawyer (Twain)
17. The Frescoes by Angelico at San Marco (Scudieri)
18. Symposium and Phaedrus (Plato, trans. Jowett)
19. Walden (Thoreau)
20. The Life and Teachings of V.I. Lenin (Dutt)
21. History of Twentieth Century Fashion (Ewing)


22. La Vita Nuova (Dante, trans. Musa)
23. The Group (McCarthy)
24. Plea for an Age Movement (Perry)
25. On Violence (Arendt)
26. Three Ways of Thought in Ancient China (Wayley)
27. The Present Age and On the Difference Between a Genius and an Apostle (Kierkegaard trans. Dru, ed. Kaufmann)


28. Love in the Time of Cholera (Marquez, trans?)
29. The Collected Stories of Peter Taylor


30. Pride and Prejudice (Austen)
31. Ten Year Sketches: Class of 1906 Yale College (compiled Embree)


32. St. Patrick's Confession (trans?)
33. The Study of Greek Inscriptions (Woodhead)
34. St. Benedict's Rule for Monasteries (trans?)
35. Waltharius (Ekkehard, trans?)
36. Confessio (Patricius)
37. Θεογονια (Ησιοδος)


38. The Iliad (Homer, trans. Lombardo)
39. The Voyage of St. Brendan the Abbot (trans. O'Donoghue)
40. Life of Martin (Sulpicius Severus, trans ?)
41. The Odyssey (Homer, trans. Lombardo)
42. The Life of Charlemagne (Einhard, trans ?)
43. Hesiod (Lamberton)


44. Historia Calamitatum: The Story of My Misfortunes (Abelard, trans. Bellows)
45. Themes in Greek and Latin Epitaphs (Lattimore)
46. The Theban Plays: Antigone, King Oidipous, Oidipous at Colonus (Sophocles, trans. Blondell)
47. The Love Letters of Abelard and Heloise (trans. Watt (1722!))
48. Epigraphic Evidence: Ancient History Through Inscriptions (ed. Bodel)
49. Medea, Hippolytus, Heracles, Bacchae. (Euripides, trans. Esposito et al.)


50. Walter of Aquitaine: Materials for the Study of his Legend (Magoun and Smyser)
51. Εις Ηρμην (attr. Ομηρος)
52. Εις Απολλωνα (attr. Ομηρος)
53. Hermes the Thief: The Evolution of a Myth (Brown)
54. The Cult of Asklepios (Walton)
55. Epidauros (Tomlinson)
56. The Epidaurian Miracle Inscriptions: Text, Translation, and Commentary (LiDonnici)

What was I doing in April? Reading was a little light that month.
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