E is for Easy... NOT!!!

Aug 24, 2011 23:00

If you'll remember my post last April about my updates.. There's E whom I finally met two weeks ago after years of just texting or having short phone conversations. First time I saw his picture was around 3 years ago or more, which was during the days that I liked chingky-eyed guys.  Back then, he was thinner or cuter... Anyway going back to who E is.

He is the type of guy that is really, REALLY hyper. Like he could not stop talking. If he does, he would be doing something else that would need to occupy his mind where I'm pretty sure he was talking in there as well. And then he would mimic the voices of other known persons like for example, a newscaster or a DJ which I do admire coz he's that talented, but still, I don't like that kind of guy. Yes, he has a stable job. Yes, he can probably support my lifestyle. Yes, I bet my mom would love him. Yes, he likes me. But NO, I can't seem to even look him straight in the eye and say, "I'm having so much fun!"

Yeah, I know, my officemates keep on telling me that I am VERY choosy when it comes to guys. But here's what I always retort back at them:
"I need to be choosy when it comes to this coz I don't want ending up with just any guy that comes up to me and says, I like you. And then what will happen to us? Eventually, we'll get to know each other, know what or how the other truly is. Become aware of the ugly truths and then end up not being happy anymore and break up sooner or later. I don't want to collect and collect like what other girls say. Coz I won't really be getting anything good out of it. It would all just pile up until I would have too many X's in life to remember. "

So, here's a list of what I really look for in a guy:

  • stable lifestyle = job, car, house (well, maybe when he decides to marry me)
  • good background = college grad (doesn't matter if he's an honor student as long as he has the guts to be proud that he graduated college without having any troubles with his subjects), don't care about family history but if he wants to show his family tree, I'm ok with it, good listener here... :D
  • street smart, very flexible to anything, can relate to anyone even if it's his first time meeting them, friendlier than me, loves to travel as much as I would want to, willing to do anything to fix things between us, persistent to what he wants (which should be me, I mean, I don't want a guy who would tell me "I love you" and then do nothing. what is he going to do next? grow old with me and watch me die? no thanks!)
  • is not TOO proud of himself where everyone would think he's all talk no act
  • someone mature enough to talk about marriage and kids
  • very Mysterious. has a way of always referring to deep words of wisdom but only means to say something shallow, should not run out of surprising acts, does not go through life doing the same things everyday and is not afraid of CHANGE.
Ok, to be honest, those mentioned above are based from B and bits from F. Haha! These are my realizations of what I always look upon during these past 2 years, although the first two are just a bit materialistic, but hey, I AM CHOOSY. Or I just matured early...

standard, mature, guys

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