FIC: Die a Little - Day Seven, HP, SS/SB, NC-17

Dec 21, 2004 17:10

This is it, the last part. Feels weird. This is by far the longest story I've ever written, and now it's all over. *sniffle* I hope you've liked it, as I certainly have enjoyed writing it. Ta-ta ( Read more... )

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a_belladonna December 21 2004, 09:49:34 UTC
That was such a sad ending, and yet so cute and sweet (weird words to use when talking about a Snape/Black story, but anyway ^^)

Lovely story, from the beginning to the end. :)

Now I'm just wondering what Snape meant when he said that he'd be with Sirius soon - does he know that he'll somehow be in trouble with Malfoy?


kleio_the_muse December 21 2004, 09:55:42 UTC
Thank you, dear!:) As for Snape, I was thinking more in the lines of canon, which seems to point at his death in the final battle. Of course I'm hoping that's not the case, but it does look quite likely. Then again, from Sirius' point of view, it might not be that bad:)


a_belladonna December 21 2004, 10:11:09 UTC
You're welcome!

(...)which seems to point at his death in the final battle.

*Clasps hands over ears*
*Sings tunelessly* Lalalala, I can't hear you! ;P

From Sirius' point of view, it might not be that bad:)

Of course, we also have to think about his thoughtless it was of me to only be thinking about myself and my silly fangirlish hopes ;)


kleio_the_muse December 21 2004, 10:24:17 UTC
Yes, can you hear Sirius tutting at you?;)

Of course, we also have the slim hope that JKR will see the error of her ways and on July 16th we get our Sirius back more or less in flesh *crosses fingers*:)


a_belladonna December 21 2004, 11:05:31 UTC
*Listens carefully*
No, not really :)

we get our Sirius back more or less in flesh

You know, this gave me a seriously disturbing mental image of part skeleton!Sirius returning from behind the Veil...

Sirius: "Harry, it's me!"
Harry: "Eeep! Not you too! Did you also take some of that cursed Aztec gold?"
(Oops, sorry, wrong story ^-^)

But yes, it would be nice and funny to have him back (Oh, imagine spirit!Sirius and Snape having a fight. Their encounters were my favourite parts of OotP)


kleio_the_muse December 21 2004, 11:15:48 UTC
lol! I knew I should've chosen my words more carefully :D

No, I don't want a PotC!Sirius (ick-ick-ick!), but I'd settle for a spirit!Sirius. Just think what their fight would be like with Sirius zooming through Snape in his anger, stalking him all hours of the day and especially of the night! The sparks would certainly be flying on a completely different level!

OK, if this is not the case, I'm going to be one sad little girl in July...;)


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