Ja ne hodil na vybory, vse deputaty - ...

Oct 19, 2010 21:50

(menja tuda prosto vse esche ne puskajut, kak inostranku, zhivuschuju tut azh s 2003.)

In Vienna there have been city's elections on this Oct 10, and the anti-foreigners parties (FPÖ, BZÖ) got ca. 30%.

Nice feeling coming to the office and thinking that every 3rd of your local colleagues is a fascist.

And if that is how the figures in the capital look like, I do not even want to think about the colleagues in the provincial offices!

"Haider umer, no delo ego zhivet" (c), i tut u inostrantsev est' novyj strah - on nazyvajetsja - HC Strache.
No nedolgo tebe ostalos', vot pogodi, zaopluchu avstrijskij pasport do togo, kak ty pridesh k vlasti, i fig golosov ty poluchish.

haider, hc strache, wien, elections, politics

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