[a: About mid-morning, a somewhat frantic call will go out.]
Is there anyone who is a skilled carpenter available? I need your services... immediately. I don't have much, but I will pay you however I can.
[b: The problem started a bit before Liechtenstein made the call. On checking the mail, she had found a small package addressed to her and without thinking, she had opened it. Out came quite a few things, including a
massive golden carriage,
several paintings by one Peter Paul Rubens,
several marble statues, and
other fine works of art. It's pretty impressive to see, if you're a fan of European art.
However, priceless pieces of art belong in nice museums and galleries, not out in the front yard. Before and after the call, Liechtenstein can be found frantically running around, trying to get whatever pieces she can either on the porch or inside of the house. Unfortunately for her, several pieces are either too big or too heavy for her to carry. And that carriage doesn't look like it'll fit too easily in the garage...]