a resolution 23 days late

Jan 23, 2006 14:59

I posted from my laptop yesterday, and the post showed up as "anonymous" when I did not intend it to. Weird. Based on content, it was obviously my post, so there was no real mystery, but why? Any explanations from the world of livejournal?
I pinched the palm of my hand really badly yesterday on Nicole's ramp. She doesn't have a motorized car ramp--it’s a folding stainless steel, diamond plated ramp and as I released it I got my palm stuck in the hinge. It actually went numb yesterday, but it isn't numb today!
I don't know if its too late to make a New Year's resolution, but, 23 days after the fact, I've finally found one that I can adhere to.
I resolve not to let people hurt me anymore--maybe that’s too absolute because you can never predict when you’ll be hurt emotionally or physically, but I will not knowingly put myself in a position where I know a friend or family member will hurt me. I know it sounds stupid, but it happens all of the time. I am involved with a lot of volatile people and I ENABLE THEM by accepting their behavior.
Yeah, I am taking responsibility for making myself a target for volatile friends and family-not that their behavior is acceptable, but I should have enough sense and self worth not to repeatedly put myself in the line of fire.
I resolve not to chase people for apologies that deserve to be timely, spontaneous and self motivated. If someone know that they’ve f*&#ked up and they can’t explain themselves or just simply apologize on their own, I won’t further enable their behavior by extracting an apology. (I actually and affectionately refer to it as an “appologectomy”.) I also won’t wait around in hopes of an apology for weeks and months.
As for my family, I’ll love them regardless, but the aforementioned “not putting myself in the line of fire” clause applies. As for friends, again refer to the aforementioned clause as well.
On the flip side, I expect that if I unintentionally hurt someone that they tell me and vice versa. I’m not a mind reader, but I also don’t labor under the delusion that I’m never hurtful or annoying. If someone is unable to tell me what I’ve done then it remains their problem. If they explain what I’ve done, I’ll, of course, be receptive.
I know this sounds harsh, but I’ve reached my limit. I really think people feel that its okay to treat me poorly because I’ll always let it blow over. This undoubtedly needs to change.
A Note to Willowjadia: I know you worry when I make posts like this. Don’t worry! We’re cool! :)
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