Jan 14, 2006 11:59
I had an emotionally exhausting night last night, so I came home and watched some TV to wind down. Waterworld was on Bravo and I had heard it was really bad so, I decided to watch the last half hour. It was painfully bad...painfully bad. Good question: If they're surrounded by water, why are they so dirty? If there's no dry land or modern facilities, why does the little girl have hair like the Golden Girls?
Then I had a panicky, irrational, late-night thought. What if apocalypse is like Waterworld? And what if Dennis Hopper is our leader and we were reduced to scrambling for the Spam and Jack Daniels he throws us? What if we all acted like a bad combination of the Hells Angels and Pirates of the Caribbean stereotype? Frightening. I need to remind myself not to watch awful movies late at night anymore.