Woot Woot And Rp Meme!

Feb 07, 2010 23:48

I've signed up for getyourwordsout and pledged to write 200K on multiple projects this year. I already have amassed 13387 words so far, yaaaaaay! Which is like ... a figment of what I was supposed to make, but I feel pretty awesome about it. 8D Also, here's that RP meme with the large font that everybody's been doing lately.

where and when did you start rping?
In a magical place called Animexx, which I think is the gayest most hilarious biggest German anime/manga fansite on the interwebs. Being on Animexx also was my first experience with fandom in general.

do you rp anywhere other than lj?
No. This is a really boring reply so here’s something to make it a little more interesting:

You’re welcome.

do you play in any public games?
Not anymore. Sometimes I’m tempted, but I could never actually keep up with it. And to be honest, the only thing I miss about community roleplay is feeling popular. But I do miss THAT a lot. Ain’t it sad? ^^*

do you prefer first-person comment spam or prose logging?

I think everyone who ever played with me knows I love long, drawn-out third person logs that take a thousand twists and turns. I like writing prose and I like composing scenes with other writers; it’s great how much attention to detail you can put into it! But I think comment spams are fabulous for connecting with people and getting to know new characters! I’ve had/read epic comment spams in museboxes that made me wish ‘awww man, I wish this was canon for [X] game!’.

what was the first character you ever played?

Lol it was Pegasus from Yu Gi Oh, who was sooo flamboyant and fun to play, and Noah Kaiba, also from Yu Gi Oh, who will always be one of my favourite villains despite being a mean-spirited green-haired eleven year old in short pants. It was this super-chaotic, cracky Animexx RP and everyone just piled up on each other, it was great. I think Pegasus was in a relationship with Yuugi later or something.

who's your favorite character to play now and why?

Since this is another boring predictable answer, let me illustrate:

Well yeah, I adore him. Mello is a character type that I fall hard for and never get tired of. I think if I ever get bored of playing Mello, I’d quit RP altogether. Playing him against other great DN characters is pretty much what has kept me going for so long.

what's the longest you've ever consistently played one character?

I’ve been playing Sigil!Mello for HOLY SHIT HAS IT REALLY BEEN 3 YEARS. He’s done some bad and he’s done some good, and some of his/my decisions make me want to bang his/my head against my desk repeatedly, but it’s still really exciting. You have a feeling you end up with a really fleshed-out character after so long, even if he took a weird turn here and there. The crazy thing about Sigil is that there’s still so much to discover. About Near, about Matt, about Esha and about Sigil itself.

what's your biggest rp pet peeve?

I used to have a lot of these, honestly ... and back then I always wanted someone to ask me about them so I could rant, but by now I forgot all of them. I’ve spent so much time playing with an amazing, all-around fun group of people that there’s nothing to complain about, really. ^^

do you read rp secrets and the rp anon meme?

I used to read RP!S because I love gossip, but I don’t anymore since I’m hopelessly out of the loop and the whole thing is quite repetitive anyway. Still, RP!S really used to hilarify me because I love the hysterics and the hyperbole. I love how srs bsns it is. It amuses me so much when people talk about their RP group as ‘crews’ and ‘diss other crews’ as if there were gang wars going on, I love how being a mod is treated as if you were a spokesperson for the UN, where you can ‘overstep your responsibilities’ or ‘engage in favouritism’. How apping for a friggin’ online RP can trigger psychological traumata and cause existential crisis.

The RP anon meme used to make me really nervous (like everyone) and I very apprehensively read it, probably still would. But it’s incredibly repetitive, too. The names change, but the wank is pretty much always the same. And everything I said about RP!S is true for the meme, too.

if you've played in public before, do you prefer community based or journal based games?

I honestly don’t care. I did both and I barely noticed a difference. Yeah, adding five thousand people is a hassle, but truth be told, if you miss a few of them it doesn’t matter either.

The only thing I really need is tags with character names on logs and posts because if not, I’d lose track of fucking everything.

would you rather play with someone who's very very ic but a mediocre writer or someone who isn't always ic (but not terrible) and a great writer?

Someone who’s a great writer and IC?
But if I have to choose, the latter. A good writer will always come up with an interesting characterization that’s fun to experience and play off of. I mean, a character should be recognizable and have the traits that made them great in canon in the first place. But apart from that, IC is such a vague concept, since most people will have their own interpretation of a character anyway. And characters in RP are thrown into situations that’d never happen like that in canon all the time.

do you have a "rp partner"?

I play with three people on a regular basis right now and I really couldn’t be any happier. ♥ But I don’t believe in possessiveness when it comes to RP. It’s always cool to see what other things people are up to.

do you ever stalk any casts, games, or players? who?

Lol I used to do that all the time. I love clicking myself through character accounts and games to snatch icons and compare. I don’t do it as often anymore because yeah, I’m pretty out of the loop when it comes to communities. Games I used to stalk were Econtra, Neo, and Adstringendum. Would have stalked Amatomnes but that can’t happen for obvious reasons.

in your opinion, which part of an app is the most difficult/annoying?

The history section is a little dull to me because I usually play OU and there’s only so many ways to sum up the plot of Death Note. But I don’t hate it.

The part that always gave me the hardest time was coming up with a good 3rd person sample. It wasn’t nerve-wracking or impossible but I usually dicked around with my samples a lot, because I think they’re the deciding factor and I wanted them to be really good.

1st person samples were sometimes painful because I can’t imagine Mello blogging anyway.

are you one of those people who has to customize their character's journal layout and userinfo?

No, I can’t do that. XD I pick a colour I like and a font I like and then stick to it.

what was your first game?

My first real game was Sigil and it was a great experience. I had no idea about community roleplay ettiquette and did pretty much whatever I wanted. ^^* The people were great, too, in its heyday it was such an off-the-wall, crazy game. Now it has turned into some serious drama (IC, not OOC XD), but that has its merits, too.

Sigil also upsets me and makes me want to cry on a regular basis. But in a nice, sentimental, mushy way.

are there any canons you avoid tagging characters from?

What? No. Who would do that? I mean, I actually never cared much about other canons, but why single someone out?

I avoided tagging characters that were horribly played or had psychotic players, but honestly, who wouldn’t. And I even played with people I really couldn’t stand. I was kind of defiant that way, like “Hah, I’ll show you IC=/=OOC! D<”. And some really obnoxious players were actually quite good in-character, so.

most memorable scene in any thread?

You’re kidding, right? Like, one?
The log where Mello and Near in Sigil first ... got together, because they really clicked somehow and you could tell. The log where Mello fed Matt cigarettes because it simply was so horrible and heart-breaking. Most MMN (in whatever combination) logs in Sigil, really. Also the log that Econtra!Mello played with OU!L because ... it was very unique and my Mello hasn’t had the chance to play with many L’s, really. Oh, and the one time my Mello got to log with Yuna’s L.

do you rp sex?

Lol. Yes, yes I do. I will even admit that I probably play too much sex. When I started out RPing at Animexx it was all smut, smut, smut, and I actually thought that was like, the usual way to do it. Like it was common courtesy that when you log with someone’s character, you sex them up. XD But when I first RP’d with rei17 and our characters had the most hilarious hijinks and epic bonding without ever having sex, I kinda realized you don’t have to do that. XD

I still really love playing sex, though. I think that writing characters in an intimate situation can reveal a lot about them. Especially in canons where character’s private lives are never really explored, like in Death Note.

I admit I sometimes wish that I had played a little less sex with my Mellos, though. On the other hand - I wouldn’t want to miss any of these logs for the world.

do you play more males or females?

I’ll come right out and say it, I prefer male protagonists to female ones and hence, end up being more fascinated with/writing more male characters. I also only play Death Note and I’m REALLY not so much into the female characters from that series. I like Halle and Naomi just fine and I think that Takada is a hoot, but they don’t really fascinate me that much.

I liked playing Halle, though.

what won't you rp?

As in, not interested or genuinely squicked? I’m not very queasy, so ... the only things that really really turn me right off are mpreg, scat, diapers and anything to do with adult babies or mental regression into something child-like. Or rather, scenes where characters regress into a child-like state are okay as long as they don’t take a weird sexual turn. ><”

AUs where the characters are completely unrecognizable.

I’m also not at all interested in playing genderswap, personally. I respect it and I realize it can be done really well, but I don’t care for it at all, not in fic, not in RP.

dressing rooms: yes or no?

Not really my bag. Usually, they’re a gathering of the three most popular characters over and over and idiotic AUs that have nothing to do with the canon. You may have noticed that I’m pretty much a canonwhore (maybe with minor adjustments), so Vampire!Mello or Catboy!Matt are extremely uninteresting to me.

ever rped a pairing?

I RP for the pairings. Not in the sense that I turn psycho stalker on someone’s ass if they don’t want to play it with me, or that I HAVE to have it or I’ll shoot a puppy, but ... it’s my main interest when I RP, yes. The only reason I even started on Lj was because I wanted to play the Mello/Near dynamic. And that hasn’t changed much. I’ve come to appreciate the plots and unexpected friendships that can develop out of RP, but my OTP is pretty much always at the heart of it. I’ll never understand why people are so hard-assed about RPing your favourite ship. I think it’s perfectly dandy as long as you’re not being pushy or a douche about it.

favorite place to play: musebox, open posts, public games, private games?

Private games are perfect for me! You have as much time as you want to flesh out your characters and plots and I adore that. It doesn’t matter if your logs end up having 347573465783 tags because there’s no official timeline to catch up with. Plus I’m a fic writer at heart, so I prefer it when I can make the rules in the world the character is stuck in (well, me and the other players, naturally XD).

talking rp with someone else who plays your character: fun or awkward?

I’m a little competitive in that respect so I do size other RPers up when I talk to them. Many Mello players I know are so good that it can be sort of intimidating to talk to them at first, even if they’re really nice.^^* But I love discussing my favourite character, so naturally that doesn’t keep me away for long. =)

It was interesting to talk to Cassie about Mello because I really had the feeling she wanted to start up a slight rivalry with me. It made for a nice challenge, though. But it’s possible that I was imagining it. ^^

meme, go meee, rp, death note

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