Uhmazing Movies

Feb 04, 2009 02:04

I saw Twilight tonight! =) Me and my friend decided we´d get a few drinks before the theatre and watch it really really hammered. We watched it mainly for the lulz, only there weren´t really much lulz because the movie was actually pretty mediocre. I have to admit I even liked it, in that cheap TV Pilot kinda way. But then, I was also completely wasted. XD I thought Edward and Bella were adorable. Kristen Stewart as Bella was surprisingly cute, and Rosalie and Victoria were hot. I even thought Robert Pattinson as Edward was kinda likeable, even though I really don´t know WTF is going on with his hair. But you know I REALLY didn´t dig the guys in a movie when I dedicate a whole line to how hot the women were. XD Anyway, the movie didn´t live up to the hype about how awful Twilight is. Though I´m really looking forward to what rewrites they will do to Breaking Dawn to make it less gross. XD In other news, apparently the sex-less no-touchy teen romance from the 50ies is back, YAY!

Yesterday on a whim, I went with my roommate to see The Changeling, with Angelina Jolie, who is SO NOT my favourite actress. But anyway, it´s a Clint Eastwood movie and I LOVE Clint Eastwood directing! Now THAT was a truly amazing movie. It was really grim and gripping and even I thought it was hard to stomach at times, but it was excellent. Even Angeline Jolie did a solid job, although it´s kinda horrifying to see how skinny she is. I mean, in other actresses you could probably pin it on method acting, but in Angelina´s case it SO ISN´T method acting. DX On the other hand, there was a child murderer in the movie, and the actor was amazing. It was one of the best psychotic portayals I have ever seen, and he is a total unknown too, he was great. Clint Eastwood has such a fine way to deal with actors. I was shell-shocked by this film!

Anyway, it´s 2 pm in the morning and I´m on my way to bed and probably just rambling. ^^* Professionally, I spent the last days working on developing a web series and it really isn´t going great and makes me want to bang my head against the wall repeatedly, but I´ll deal with that later when I sober up. ♥


state of affairs, movies i watch

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