Wanna fight about it? XD Anyhow, a new update about my poverty Sim, Mafalda, and how she gave birth and did NOT die, no matter how crazy that is.
As you can see, come spring, Mafalda was livin´ the life, having obtained a bed, a wall, a toilet and a mini fridge. She is clearly thrilled about it, as you can see.
Is it me, or do Sims go irreversibly insane from that lifestyle?
Ok, what gives? Does a bronze badge in gardening mean nothing to you, game? I know, it´s only bronze, but still ...
By the way, your momma was lying when she said having random strangers over at odd hours was a bad thing. :D Pull yourself together, girl, I made you a sloppy Sim for a reason!
Anyway, since she had all the bare necessities, I figured I could go through with her pregnancy. Because what would a poverty lot be without a pregnant teen? Sperm donor was, ironically, flaming dog poo guy. They had such an intense relationship, after all. XD
Burglar date: *is indifferent*
Wooo first poverty baby! Welcome to the family, generic Maxis baby template #1! It´s a boy, and his name is Manolito. And he did a lot of lying around on the lawn since she couldn´t afford a crib at this point. Evidence:
Yeah, just ... don´t eat him, okay? Mafalda: *passed out somewhere, most likely*
The social workers send you a warning before they really come pick it up though, right? RIGHT?
Anyhow, I ended up trading the toilet and sink for a bathtub because I couldn´t take the awkward sight of that toddler swarming with flies anymore. Then traded the tub for a new toilet again. Sorry, Manolito, that´ll be your first and only bath as a toddler, your mom´s gotta pee. Deal.
His pennyless single teen mom grew into a pennyless single adult!
Sans aspiration failure to boot! I was so proud of her.
On a side note: among her many conquests was this guy, and he was absolutely adarbl. I forgot his name, but since she met him on her entry level medical career stint, I only call him the good doctor. You´ll see why.
Not only was he sweet to her, he also autonomously cared for her poor little poverty baby.
And showed up to spontaneously play peek-a-boo with her fatherless sprog when she was too busy flipping her shit over something. That was so cute, I never saw something like that before.
Too bad I´m going for the Old Maid bonus. Though, since he´s not an NPC, he would have been out of bounds anyway. Plus he´s a doctor, meaning he probably would have had too much moolah. Makes me sad, seeing how Mafalda´s LTW is having a Golden Anniversary. IT WOULD HAVE BEEN THIS GUY. Anyway, like this, he at least gets to father her next spawn.
Pictoral proof that absolutely ANY poverty Sim gets into fishing sooner or later. XD The skunk really loves her, by the way. Follows her everywhere. I´m not surprised, seeing how she spent her entire teenhood reeking.
Manolito pulled through his trite and smelly infant- and toddlerhood, and grew into a kinda pie-faced and generic, yet amazingly undisturbed kid!
(Note: I tend to find every life stage of Sims that isn´t Teen, YA or Adult to be boring, so I always fail to take pictures of them. If I really want to write a legacy one day, I´ll have to get past that. Anyway.)
However, the show must go on! Note the snazzy bathroom udgrade in the background.