30 Shows Meme III: Revenge Of The Son Of 30 Shows Meme

Jul 04, 2011 17:10

Okay, I got distracted for a while, but here's the last part. Last few questions are quite spoileriffic, so less linkage this time. :)

21 - Favorite ship

Mello/Near (Death Note)

What? It said favorite.

I ship a lot of things on a lot of shows, really, but Mello/Near still encapsulates perfectly what I like in pairings: rivalry, twistedness, and off-putting creepiness. XD

22 - Favorite series finale

I'm sorry Six Feet Under and imma let you finish, but The Sopranos had the best series finale of all time. And I'm not gonna link to either one of these because they are awesome and should be seen un-spoiled. :P

23 - Most annoying character

I think nearly every show has one of those. Though, I wouldn't define a character I hate as a bad character, since it can still be good fun to hate them. The worst type of character is the one that stops the momentum dead in its tracks, or is designated by the writers to carry the Idiot Ball and make horrible harebrained decisions, bringing everyone down along with them.

In that sense - Kate Austen (Lost). Peter Petrelli (Heroes). Kramer from Seinfeld may be an example of a comedy character that works for a lot of people, but I don't see the appeal.

Matt and Harriet from Studio 60 qualify in the sense of a romantic pairing that makes you feel that these people do not deserve love, ever. I don't think I've seen such a condescending relationship since Gravitation.

24 - Best quote

Again too many to list, so I scavenged my blog for some all-time favorites.

"If you think that life is a vending machine where you put in virtue and take out happiness, you are going to get disappointed."
Maggie, Six Feet Under

"'Potential' is the word, but 'underachiever' is the sentiment.
Logan Echolls , Veronica Mars.

"I'm gonna be sophisticated, and have NO job! Or a job that looks, from a distance, like I do NOTHING!"
Troy, Community.

"You are my heroine. And by heroine, I mean lady hero. I don´t wanna inject you and listen to jazz."
Liz Lemon, 30 Rock

And no list of quotes would be complete without this beautiful bit by Doc Hammer regarding Venture Bros (and ...life XD):

"It's about the beauty of failure. It's about that failure happens to all of us...Every character is not only flawed, but sucks at what they do, and is beautiful at it and Jackson and I suck at what we do, and we try to be beautiful at it, and failure is how you get by...It shows that failure's funny, and it's beautiful and it's life, and it's okay, and it's all we can write because we are big...failures."

25 - A show you plan on watching (old or new)

I'm still planning to watch Firefly, which is supposed to be really good and one of those classics many people are absolutely in love with. I always have a lot of things on my to-watch list, but it changes around a lot.

26 - OMG WTF? Season finale

Also - The Sopranos. :D In a good way. But perhaps this should be the series finale of Twin Peaks, which was simultaneously a giant bummer and profoundly traumatizing. D:

Every season finale of Breaking Bad has been a big bag of OMG WTF?, again, in a really good way. But that show is awesome with baffling imagery anyway.

27 - Best pilot episode

Aw man, this is hard. I know everyone is really tired of me talking about Lost all the time, but Lost honestly did have a really strong pilot.

But my favorite pilot is probably 30 Rock. Many critics claim it's weak compared to what came after it, and it very well may be, but I was sold on this show with this episode, when I heard Liz Lemon assure us that "It's not HBO, it's TV."

(Well, okay, earlier than that, when she bought all the hot dogs to give them to the good people.)

28 - First TV show obsession

I'd probably have to say Yu Gi Oh. ><" I wasn't obsessed with the show itself, but it was what ultimately got me into fanfic and shipping and all that hullabaloo, so ...yeah.

29 - Current TV show obsession

You know, I wasn't kidding when I wrote that I can quote several episodes of Community from memory. XD

Also Game Of Thrones, but it overlaps with the books.

30 - Saddest character death

The saddest character death EVER has to be Fry's dog on Futurama. No offense, but if you can watch that story all the way through without crying like a little bitch, you probably are a robot.


Juliet Burke. Yeah, I know. Lost again. But I honestly still think about how great it would've been if Juliet had been the female main character and not Kate. Juliet was genuinely mysterious, soft-spoken but ruthless, competent but vulnerable, and she had great chemistry with several other main characters. When she died at the end of season 5, I was sad for weeks. And then they brought her back for season 6 and she died again. DX But at least it's a great testament for her badassness how hilariously overwrought and overkill her death was. She plummeted down into a deep shaft, got crushed by several tons of steel, was still alive, detonated a goddamn hydrogen bomb, survived, and then slowly died. Because that's what it takes to take down a badass MOFO like Juliet.


shows i watch, meme, because it's fun and people like it

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