Can I Pose A Question? How Do You Kill What Is Dead?

Aug 06, 2010 01:12

Wheee. Happy now. Writing a lot, which pretty much equals happy in my book. Some random shipping-related thoughts for a breezy Thursday night:

+ LOST: I realized I don't really ship Locke/Ben, I ship Man In Black/Ben. I mean, Ben and Locke have this wonderfully bitter sweet, doomed friendship which is fascinating in its own right, but boy oh boy is there ever some dark magic happening between Ben and MIB. "I'm sorry you had to see me like that."/"You never cease to surprise me, Ben."/"Didn't you say there were more people for us to kill?" Rrrrr.

+ TÖRLESS: Shipping Reiting/Beineberg and Reiting/Basini like a crazy mofo. I mean, I always did, but you can hardly do it without feeling like a horrible human being. Aw The Confusions Of Törless, the Bildungsroman that should, in theory, be a slasher's paradise but is in reality a really queasy examination of the abuse of power. I'll try to write them, anyway, if only to get it out of my system. I had fun writing them in the past, especially Basini for some reason. Fun fact: this book, which I read in class, was what made me realize I like slash. In the most unfortunate way possible.

+ Die Drei ???: Can't help shipping Peter and Bob a little, especially after seeing that the voice actors kinda ship it. And I think most of the writers. XD It's strange that Justus Jonas would end up the token heterosexual third wheel, on the other hand it's kind of hilarious to imagine. XD

What else? On to the dorkier aspects of my life, I'm dieting. I'm doing one of these fancy low carb things that ruin your health but make you shed weight in a relatively short time. I can't eat bread, pasta, potatoes, or rice, and no sweets unless soy or honey are involved. It's actually going pretty well. I've been doing it for a week and lost some weight already. It's actually not that hard, even though I experience a great deal of spontaneous salivating when I see cupcakes. I'm also not supposed to drink coffee, but seriously, screw that part.

Oh, and I bought Creature Feature's album The Greatest Show Unearthed! I seriously love this band, they're so morbid and goofy at the same time. XD

That's all from me for now. Good night. ♥

Damn. Cupcakes. D:

fangirl bliss, state of affairs, törless, music, lost, drei fragezeichen

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