Oct 07, 2004 01:08

USC is trying to steal my bike

USC decided to do maintenance at Parking Center, the off campus (ghetto fantastically located on the other side of the friggin 110 fwy) parking monstrosity where I park for school. I keep a bike there in order to more quickly pass by the abandoned warehouses and railways that divide my parking location from the school. I prefer to ride in order to more quickly pass by the assorted muggers and prostitutes who add a magical touch to our weekly crime report emails. I keep my bike (legally) locked to one of three bike racks at Parking Center.

Apparently my bike was in the way of some sort of maintenance operation. USC's solution: cut off my lock and impound my bike.

After some investigating, I was able to figure out what happened and that I would have to go to DPS (USC security) to get my bike back.

I arrived at DPS. The DPS person told me that they had impounded bikes and that I was in the right place. I asked if they could give me bike back. He said that they had to figure out which was mine first. So I went with him to impounded bike storage shed and he showed me three crap bikes that he claimed were those impounded. I said that they were not my bikes. He said that they must not have taken my bike. I said that they did...and so we argued.

Eventually, he gave in and informed me that there were other bikes taken. I asked to see these bikes. He told me that I could not, because they were in a secret location. I asked why he didnt tell me this before. He did not answer. I asked why some bikes were kept at this secret location. Again, he did not answer. I asked why I couldn't go to the secret location. He told me that I couldn't go because if I went 'it wouldn't be secret anymore.'

Again we argued. The DPS person finally agreed to look at the secret bikes for me. He would determine if there was a secret bike that might be mine. I got an email today telling me that my bike may indeed be among the secret stash at the secret location. There is apparently a bike matching my bike's general description being secretly held there. At 12pm today, I go to meet this bike.
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