I am still alive I just use this journal mainly for communities now.
I had a beautiful little baby girl just about two months ago
she was just about a month old in this picture. She just went for a check up today and she is now 11lbs, she is getting so big so fast and she is constantly in motion. She does sleep through the night and has slept through all of them except the first night home from the hospital.
I do officially own all of the pullips/dals now as well as a few of the taeyangs (damn Oz set I had intentions of selling the boys but my husband would not let me). I really love all my dolls they give me a bit of focus and well they make me happy. Here's one of the girls I played with today she is a custom Nomado (I have no idea who customized her). Earlier today she was pirate with her stock wig still, now not so much.
I haven't really been slacking in the anime department either (notice how even in the anime pictures a pullip still manages to sneak in)