Texas Wants You Anyway

May 24, 2008 19:12

Title: You're Not From Texas (But Texas Wants You Anyway)
Fandom: Heroes (gen)
Category: Fanvid
Summary: If a certain Texas-based Company wants you, they'll get you whatever way they can.
Resources: The song is "You're Not From Texas" by Lyle Lovett, which I got from the Story of Texas IMAX soundtrack. Clips are from the first two seasons of Heroes (with the season one clips coming from the DVD, and season two from the forums at got-heroes.com). I used Audacity for the sound; DVD Shrink, VirtualDub, and MPEG Flask for the clip ripping/converting/editing; and Windows Movie Maker for the final product.
Notes: THIS IS MY FIRST FANVID EVER (so be nice, but concrit and tips for the future are totally cool). HOORAY! And p.s.s. Does anyone know what community this would be appropriate for? Is there a general Heroes vid comm?

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heroes, fanvids

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