I just finished it yesterday. Couldn't stop reading it once I started.
Wonderful, really wonderful.
Did anyone else have this feeling of hope throughout the novel. This feeling that this just wasn't it. Kathryn come back? All he time I was reading I thought, hey, there's gota be some strange twist revealing that after all she isn't really dead or something like that. I know the end should have made it clear that she is deader than dead, but I can't shake this strange feeling that she just is not. Anyone else with me? Or is that just me having trouble accepting it? Is it just me failing to understand how any hardcore voyager fan could just go and kill off Janeway? Kirsten, what have you done?.
Nuff said. This book just left me heartbroken and I don't think I'm ever gonna read any book at all ever again. Unless, of course, someone gives me hope for the one coming out in october? Anyone?